SpiderX allows you to watch movies by scraping data from the internet. This is android/ios client repo built with React native and Expo.
- The user searches will be first sent to firestore, if the search is not found in the firestore then the scraper (python scrapy framework) will be called to initiate the scraping process.
- Once the scraper scrapes the data, the data scraped will be sent to firestore.
- Using firestore real-time updates, the vue interface will be updated in real-time.
- Get trending movies
- Get tob imdb movies
- List movies by genres
- Trailers for those movies
- Get info about the movie
This app is built with expo, so you need to install the expo cli package globally in your system.
npm i -g expo-cli
You also need to setup a firebase project and the url to your python scraper (I am using heroku for hosting the scraper)
Create a .env file at the root of the project that looks like this:
# the url to your python scraper
# firebase web configuration (you need to first create a firebase project)
Then clone this repo, install the dependencies and run expo start
git clone https://github.com/manikandanraji/spiderx-native
cd spiderx-native
npm i
expo start
I also built a web interface using vuejs, if you are interested here's the repo