A lightweight HOTP (HMAC - Based one Time Password) Generator for Arduino.
This library is for those, who want to save on memory and still use HOTPs, as there are no heavy
third-party dependencies included.
Please note, that C++11 must be enabled with Arduino IDE. This is enabled by default as of version 1.6.6.
Anyone is welcome to add to the functionalities and report on any issues.
- Generate fast and easy a HOTP with the secret key and the counter value
- Validate easily an entered HOTP with the secret key, the counter and and the resync look-ahead parameter
- Generate Keys for use in SHA1-HMAC authentication
- Generate SHA1-HMACs
- Generate SHA1 kryptographic hashes of messages with a length of up to (2^64)-1 Bits
It can be as easy as this validation of a user provided hotp.
#include <SimpleHOTP.h>
int currentCounter = 3;
// ...
// load the key and the HOTP object
char secret[] = "secret passphrase";
Key key(secret, sizeof(secret)-1);
SimpleHOTP hotp(key, currentCounter);
int nextCounter = 0;
do {
// getUserInput() as placeholder for your function!
// it MUST return a 32-bit integer.
nextCounter = hotp.validate(getUserInput());
} while (!nextCounter && !hotp.isLocked());
if (nextCounter) {
// success
else {
// failure
For more information on the usage please refer to the .h
files in the /src
Only version changes as labeled in git are listed here. Version numbers are semantic.
README.md fixed for reference to documentation.
Developed by Jonathan Lusky
See the License information sheet