unofficial + modified AOKP for the Samsung Galaxy Tab
this is AOKP for the Samsung Galaxy Tab - GT-P1000/L/N (GSM) + SCH-I800/SPH-P100 (CDMA) ... but its also a lot more!
this build includes features from the SGT7 TE4M's unofficial builds of CM9, and other features / fixes to AOKP specifically for functions that didn't work correctly on the SGT7 (or other tablets of its size).
read more at the link below:
official website :: AOKP SGT7
please see the Android source page for building instructions, including how to setup your build enviroment.
to initialize your local repository use the following commands:
$ repo init -u -b jb-mr2
$ repo sync
after the sync is finished, please read the instructions from the Android site on how to build.
once you've read that, you can build with:
$ ./ build [device]
this will compile everything and use the correct "-j#" flag. it will package up your rom into a recovery flashable zip, and compile kernels for in a CwM flashable format.
for usage details on the build script or to learn more about it type:
$ ./
this build would not be possible without TeamKang and the SGT7 TE4M's hard work, be sure to check out their githubs: