This repository contains automated tests for SpartaGlobal's Todos list, using rubygem HTTParty. Used for learning more with Git, RSpec and Ruby.
The todos are stored as a JSON application
##To run test
Ruby 1.9.3 or newer is required and to use HTTParty and RSpec:
bundle install
can be used to install the same gems I utilised
These tests can be run using RSpec:
bundle exec rspec
| README file | Test 1 - Empty collection | Test 2 - Non-empty collection | Test 3 - Non-Existing object | Test 4 - Existing object
###URL(link) Used this method to simplify typing the specific url continuously. An example on this project is HTTParty.get url(link), link would be ("/todos") Therefore:
###Create_todos Creates an arrays which holds all the todos from a hash
It deletes all the curent todos, can be run before or after tests
This project is so I can learn RSpec with HTTParty confidently , if you any enquiries, email me: [email protected]