Auth server is an authentication and authorization microservice. It's used to authenticate both users and services. It also provides a mechanism for managing role based authorization.
Auth server currently implement Oauth2.
Implemented security features
- No Cleartext Storage of Credentials
- Encryption of Credentials
- Use Short Expiration Time
- Limit Number of Usages or One-Time Usage
- Bind Token to Client id
- Automatic Revocation of Derived Tokens If Abuse Is Detected
- Binding of Refresh Token to "client_id"
- Refresh Token Rotation
- Revocation of Refresh Tokens
- Validate Pre-Registered "redirect_uri"
- Binding of Authorization "code" to "client_id"
- Binding of Authorization "code" to "redirect_uri"
- Opaque access tokens
- Opaque refresh tokens
- Ensure Confidentiality of Requests
- ensures that redirect URIs use https except localhost
Install Consul
Consul is the default registry/discovery for go-micro apps. It's however pluggable.
Run Consul
$ consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul
Start a mysql database
Download and start the service
go get auth-srv --database_url="root:root@tcp("
OR as a docker container
docker run microhq/auth-srv --database_url="root:root@tcp(" --registry_address=YOUR_REGISTRY_ADDRESS
Auth server implements the following RPC Methods
- Read
- Create
- Update
- Delete
- Search
- Authorize
- Token
- Revoke
- Introspect
micro call go.micro.srv.auth Account.Create '{"account": {"type": "user", "client_id": "asim", "client_secret": "foobar"}}'
micro call go.micro.srv.auth Account.Search
"accounts": [
"client_id": "asim",
"created": 1.452816108e+09,
"id": "2c02eea6-bb1b-11e5-9f39-68a86d0d36b6",
"type": "user",
"updated": 1.452816108e+09
Authorization Code Flow
micro call go.micro.srv.auth Oauth2.Authorize '{"response_type": "code", "client_id": "asim", "state": "mystatetoken", "redirect_uri": ""}'
"code": "cJMKdcx7iwAyhBLzNpmWQsSxpJOnuztB",
"state": "mystatetoken"
Get Token
micro call go.micro.srv.auth Oauth2.Token '{"client_id": "asim", "client_secret": "foobar", "code": "cJMKdcx7iwAyhBLzNpmWQsSxpJOnuztB", "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": ""}'
"token": {
"access_token": "V2swWmtsRm50WEtKSDhXSEtFdVlCNUo1WG5iTk9BYjh1dUVnT0JlOW9DS2FjWFg3c1FCaHBDbWFpaUhtQVUxUw==",
"expires_at": 1.452819823e+09,
"refresh_token": "OEZJUXBtdnNlTHNIWkhkRkQ4bTJFZkNNYlN6d0RQa2N6dkNwcDY1MkFCY0F5THdPZEFjdzB0a0JzNHpXYlJ4Ng==",
"scopes": [
"token_type": "bearer"
micro call go.micro.srv.auth Oauth2.Revoke '{"access_token": "V2swWmtsRm50WEtKSDhXSEtFdVlCNUo1WG5iTk9BYjh1dUVnT0JlOW9DS2FjWFg3c1FCaHBDbWFpaUhtQVUxUw=="}'