A modular Ruby web server interface.
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 26, 2021 -
fork Public
Represents forks (child processes) as objects and makes interaction with forks easy.
iso-iban Public
Deal with International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN).
zeroload Public
Automatically autoload all constants for a module.
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 1, 2015 -
swissmatch-location Public
Deal with swiss zip codes, communities, districts and cantons, using the official swiss post mat[ch] database.
swissmatch-rails Public
Adds ActiveRecord models and javascript assets for rails to swissmatch.
tabledata Public
Process various table based formats, like Excel (.xls, .xlsx) and CSV, with a common API.
inherit Public
Avoid the anti-pattern of `def self.included(base); base.extend …; end`
directory_template Public
Generate directory structures from a template, optionally processing paths (variables in the path) and contents (e.g. render ERB templates).
literal_parser Public
Parse Strings containing ruby literals and return a proper ruby object.
ept Public
Enhanced Plaintext Tables - better than CSV, with multiple tables per file, datatypes and more
mailcatcher Public
Forked from sj26/mailcatcherCatches mail and serves it through a dream.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2013 -
mockup_model Public
A pseudo model for activerecord - useful for mocking apps or features
swissmatch Public
Deal with swiss addresses
sorting Public
Helpful functionality for sorting and comparing
chronos Public
A high level time library, dealing with date, time, durations, intervals and more
swissmatch-street Public
Parse, tokenize, analyze, repair and handle swiss street names and numbers.
swissmatch-directories Public
Query address data from swiss directory providers.
available Public
Query the availability of required and optional libraries and gems with a nice interface.
rvm-site Public
Forked from rvm/rvm-siteRVM website and documentation