- Seattle, WA
Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict/cli support.
Allows you to maintain all the necessary cruft for packaging and building projects separate from the code you intentionally write. Built on-top of, and fully compatible with, CookieCutter.
Build Magic sealed decks like you do in real life
Learn how to master the art of baking the programmer way.
HTML/JS Library/App for coding looping gif animations.
Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
Natural Language Processing in Clojure (opennlp)
Finitio is a language for validating, coercing and documenting data.
Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
Let's pretend d3 was written in ClojureScript.
example clojurescript projects for using the strokes library
Code from my Clojure/conj talk
aperiodic / singult
Forked from lynaghk/singultJavaScript Hiccup compiler
A few of the c2 examples, in clojurescript
aperiodic / clj-kafka
Forked from strongh/clj-kafkaWrapper to the Java API for interacting with Kafka
Something that will someday be core.reactive for clojure
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
aperiodic / leiningen.org
Forked from borkdude/leiningen.orgLeiningen's web site
SimpleOpenNI repackaged with native deps included. Pretty trivial.
aperiodic / clam.vim
Forked from sjl/clam.vimA lightweight Vim plugin for working with shell commands.
A lightweight Vim plugin for working with shell commands.