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Hello Triangle Vulkan demo

This is a traditional Hello World style application for the Vulkan API. It renders a RGB shaded equilateral triangle (well, if the resolution is a square).

The code is relatively flat and basic, so I think it's good enough for learning. No tutorial or even much comments are provided though (comments do lie anyway :smirk:). Though some things I found noteworthy are in the doc/ folder.

My goal here is to be perfectly conformant to the Vulkan specification. Also I do handle all the Vulkan VkResults (with app termination though). And I try to do things in the efficient way, rather than simplify. But I am only human. :innocent:

If you appriciate any of my free work or help (e.g. hosting this), you can send me some sweet sweet money:

Donate $ to krOoze Donate € to krOoze


The git branches demonstrate some basic Vulkan features which can be easily grafted on this basic example (it is nice to see a diff of what exactly needs to be changed to make it work). Their should be edited to reflect the changes.

branch diff link description
master -- Your regular Hello Triangle app, and base for the others
MSAA diff Antialiasing (i.e. Vulkan's multisample image resolve)
queue_transfer diff Transfer of EXCLUSIVE image between queue families (separate graphics and compute queue family)
vertex_offset diff Demonstrates how offset in vkCmdBindVertexBuffers() works
dxgi_interop diff An experiment that shows how to import swapchain images from DXGI (Direct3D 12 Swapchain)


OS: Windows or Linux
Language: C++14
Build environment: (latest) Vulkan SDK (requires VULKAN_SDK variable being set)
Build environment[Windows]: Visual Studio, Cygwin, or MinGW (or IDEs running on top of them)
Build environment[Linux]: CMake compatible compiler and build system and libxcb-dev and libxcb-keysyms-dev
Build environment[MacOS]: CMake compatible compiler and build system
Build Environment[GLFW]: GLFW 3.2+ (already included as a git submodule), requires xorg-dev (or XCB) package on Linux
Build environment[Xlib]: Requires xorg-dev package
Build environment[XCB]: Requires libxcb1-dev, libxcb-util-dev, libxcb-keysyms1-dev, and x11proto-dev packages
Build environment[Wayland]: Requires libwayland-dev and libxkbcommon-dev packages
Target Environment: installed (latest) Vulkan capable drivers (to see anything)
Target Environment: GLFW(recommended), XCB, Xlib, or Wayland based windowing system

On Unix-like environment refer to SDK docs on how to set VULKAN_SDK variable.

Adding VkSurface support for other platforms should be straightforward using the provided ones as a template for it.


file description
doc/ Short explanation of Vulkan synchronization in the context of trivial applications
doc/Schema.pdf Bunch of diagrams explaining the app architecture and synchronization in a graphical form
external/glfw/ GLFW git submodule
src/HelloTriangle.cpp The app souce code, including the main() function
src/CompilerMessages.h Allows to make compile-time messages shown in the compiler output
src/EnumerateScheme.h A scheme to unify usage of most Vulkan vkEnumerate* and vkGet* commands
src/ErrorHandling.h VkResult check helpers + VK_EXT_debug_utils extension related stuff
src/ExtensionLoader.h Functions handling loading of select Vulkan extension commands
src/LeanWindowsEnvironment.h Included conditionally by VulkanEnvironment.h and includes lean windows.h header
src/Vertex.h Just simple Vertex definitions
src/VulkanEnvironment.h Contains header configuration, such platform-specific as VK_USE_PLATFORM_*
src/VulkanIntrospection.h Introspection of Vulkan entities; e.g. convert Vulkan enumerants to strings
src/Wsi.h Meta-header including one of the platform-specific headers in WSI directory
src/WSI/Glfw.h WSI platform-dependent stuff via GLFW3 library
src/WSI/Win32.h Win32 WSI platform-dependent stuff
src/WSI/Xcb.h XCB WSI platform-dependent stuff
src/WSI/Xlib.h Xlib WSI platform-dependent stuff
src/WSI/Wayland.h Wayland WSI platform-dependent stuff
src/WSI/private/ Stuff the WSI headers need; currently just generated Wayland protocols
src/shaders/hello_triangle.vert The vertex shader program in GLSL
src/shaders/hello_triangle.frag The fragment shader program in GLSL
.gitignore Git filter file ignoring most probable outputs messing up the local repo
.gitmodules Git submodules file describing the dependency on GLFW
CMakeLists.txt CMake makefile Extra info about contributing code, ideas, and bug reports
LICENSE Copyright licence for this project This file


You can change the application configuration by simply changing following variables in HelloTriangle.cpp.

config variable purpose default
appName Application name; might show up in title of the window whatever it is in code
debugSeverity Which kinds of debug message severites will be shown WARNING | ERROR
debugType Which kinds of debug message types will be shown all types
useAssistantLayer Enable Assistant Layer too when debugging (TODO: does not support new way of enabling) false
fpsCounter Enable FPS counter via VK_LAYER_LUNARG_monitor layer true
initialWindowWidth The initial width of the rendered window 800
initialWindowHeight The initial height of the rendered window 800
presentMode The presentation mode of Vulkan used in swapchain VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR 1
clearColor Background color of the rendering gray ({0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f})
forceSeparatePresentQueue By default the app prioritizes single Graphics and Present queue. This will create separate queues for testing purposes. There are virtually no platforms currently that naturally have separate Present queue family.

1 I preferred VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR before but it tends to make coil whine because of the extreme FPS (which could be unnecessarily dangerous to the PCB in the long term).


First just get everything:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

In many platforms CMake style build should work just fine:

$ cmake -G"Your preferred generator"

or even just

$ cmake .

Then use make, or the generated Visual Studio *.sln, or whatever it created.

There are two cmake options (supplied by -D):

  • WSI -- set this to USE_PLATFORM_GLFW or any VK_USE_PLATFORM_*_KHR to select the WSI to be used. Default is GLFW.
  • TODO -- set this to OFF to remove TODO messages during compilation.

You also might want to add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.

Manual Build

The code base is quite simple and it can be built manually. It only assumes that the src folder is in the include path, that you link the GLFW dependency, and that you compile the GLSL shader files into SPIR-V.

In Visual Studio you can simply import the code and add the things mentioned above. Either "console" or "window" subsystem is a valid choice on Windows.

In Linux distro you would do e.g.:

$ g++ --std=c++14 -Wall -m64 -D_DEBUG -DNO_TODO -I$VULKAN_SDK/include -I./src/ -o./HelloTriangle src/HelloTriangle.cpp -ldl -L$VULKAN_SDK/lib -lvulkan -lglfw

GLSL shaders can be compiled using glslc from LunarG Vulkan SDK like so:
On Windows-like environment:

%VULKAN_SDK%/Bin/glslc -mfmt=c -o ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.vert.spv.inl ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.vert
%VULKAN_SDK%/Bin/glslc -mfmt=c -o ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.frag.spv.inl ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.frag

Or on Unix-like environment you would use just $VULKAN_SDK instead:

$VULKAN_SDK/Bin/glslc -mfmt=c -o ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.vert.spv.inl ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.vert
$VULKAN_SDK/Bin/glslc -mfmt=c -o ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.frag.spv.inl ./src/shaders/hello_triangle.frag

There are annoying (on purpose) TODOs generated on build. They can be disabled by defining NO_TODO preprocessor macro.

Using GLFW is optional. You may choose another windowing platform by modifying VulkanEnvironment.h, or supplying it via preprocessor. By default, all platforms use GLFW.


You just run it as you would anything else.

Esc does terminate the app.
Alt + Enter toggles fullscreen (might not work on some WSI platforms).


Hello World like demo for Vulkan API







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  • C++ 70.4%
  • C 27.7%
  • CMake 1.7%
  • GLSL 0.2%