Cypress js agent is runtime reporter for EPAM report portal which provides information about collection run.
$ npm install agent-js-cypress --save-dev
Add the following options to cypress.json
"reporter": "agent-js-cypress",
"reporterOptions": {
"endpoint": "",
"token": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"launch": "LAUNCH_NAME",
"project": "PROJECT_NAME",
"description": "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION",
"isLaunchMergeRequired": false
To run example tests also add the following settings to cypress.json, replace "reporter": "agent-js-cypress"
by "reporter": "index.js"
and use command npm example
"integrationFolder": "example/integration",
"screenshotsFolder": "example/screenshots",
"fixturesFolder": "example/fixtures",
"supportFile": "example/support/index.js",
"pluginsFile": "example/plugins/index.js",
Add the following to your custom commands file (cypress/support/commands.js):
Register ReportPortal plugin (cypress/plugins/index.js):
const registerReportPortalPlugin = require('agent-js-cypress/lib/plugin');
module.exports = (on) => registerReportPortalPlugin(on);
Runs support following options:
Parameter | Description |
token | User's Report Portal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user. |
endpoint | URL of your server. For example 'https://server:8080/api/v1'. |
launch | Name of launch at creation. |
project | The name of the project in which the launches will be created. |
isLaunchMergeRequired | Determines merge Cypress run's in to one launch or not. Need extra setup. See Merge launches. |
rerun | Enable rerun |
rerunOf | UUID of launch you want to rerun. If not specified, report portal will update the latest launch with the same name |
reportHooks | Determines report before and after hooks or not. |
skippedIssue | ReportPortal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate' items on WS side. Parameter could be equal boolean values: TRUE - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on Report Portal (default value). FALSE - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application. |
ReportPortal provides the following custom commands for reporting logs into the current test.
- cy.log(message). Overrides standart Cypress
. Reports message as an info log of the current test.
You can use the following methods to report logs and attachments with different log levels:
- cy.trace (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with trace log level.
- cy.debug (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with debug log level.
- (message , file). Reports message and optional file as log of the current test with info log level.
- cy.warn (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with warning log level.
- cy.error (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with error log level.
- cy.fatal (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with fatal log level.
- cy.launchTrace (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with trace log level.
- cy.launchDebug (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with debug log level.
- cy.launchInfo (message , file). Reports message and optional file as log of the launch with info log level.
- cy.launchWarn (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with warning log level.
- cy.launchError (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with error log level.
- cy.launchFatal (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with fatal log level.
file should be an object:
name: "filename",
type: "image/png", // media type
content: data, // file content represented as 64base string
addTestAttributes (attributes). Add attributes(tags) to the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
attributes is array of pairs of key and value:
key: "attributeKey1",
value: "attributeValue2",
Key is optional field.
setTestDescription (description). Set text description to the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
setTestCaseId (id, suite). Set test case id to the current test or suite. Should be called inside of corresponding test/suite.
id is a string test case Id.
suite (optional) is the title of the suite to which the specified test case id belongs. Should be provided just in case of reporting test case id for specified suite instead of current test.
Currently supported only default usage of Cypress screenshot function. Using custom filename is not supported.
By default Cypress create a separate run for each test file. This section describe how to merge all this launches into a single launch in the end of run.
Edit cypress.json file. Set isLaunchMergeRequired option to true as shown below:
"reporterOptions": {
"isLaunchMergeRequired": true
Create folder "scripts" on project folder. Copy the following script into "cypress.js" file and put it to "scripts" folder.
const cypress = require('cypress');
const fs = require('fs');
const glob = require('glob');
const { mergeLaunches } = require('agent-js-cypress/lib/mergeLaunches');
const cypressConfigFile = 'cypress.json';
const getLaunchTempFiles = () => {
return glob.sync('rplaunch-*.tmp');
const deleteTempFile = (filename) => {
() => {
fs.readFile(cypressConfigFile, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
const config = JSON.parse(data);
if (config.reporterOptions.isLaunchMergeRequired) {
.then(() => {
const files = getLaunchTempFiles();
console.log('Launches successfully merged!');
.catch((err) => {
} else {
(error) => {
const files = getLaunchTempFiles();
"scripts": {
"cypress": "node scripts/cypress.js",
Licensed under the Apache License v2.0