This project contains extensions for the Sphinx documentation project. They are used to create the documentation for the MiGrid project's User Documentation.
Currently it contains a custom sphinx extensions that through CSS only allows for:
- creating accordions
- creating lightbox images
Further information found in index.rst.
Running make dependencies
and make html
will install dependencies and build the documentation in html.
The documentation itself is show as a Sphinx project.
More detailed instructions from commandline:
git clone
cd migrid-spinx-ext
make dependencies
make html
The make html
creates the main HTML page in build folder in ../migrid-sphinx-/build/html/index.html
If you have Firefox installed, display main page with:
firefox build/html/index.html
This is an very early release and has not been tested on all systems.
It was built with:
- Python 3.10
- Sphinx-builder 7.2.6
- Ubuntu 22.04