VidGear is a small python wrapper around OpenCV Video I/O module that contains powerful multi-thread modules(gears) to enable high-speed video frames read functionality across various devices and platforms. It is a reworked implementation of imutils library's video modules with all major bugs fixed and comes with addition features like source parameters manipulation in OpenCV on the go. This library also well compatible with Raspberry Pi Camera module's Picamera library and provides us the ability exploit its various features like brightness, saturation, sensor_mode
etc. easily. This library is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.
VidGear requires OpenCV and Picamera library installation prior to its installation(Latest versions recommended). Must install them.
vidgear could be easily be downloaded from release page(not available on pip yet) and then can be installed as follows:
sudo pip install vidgear-0.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Or you can clone this repository and install using pip as follows:
git clone
cd vidgear
sudo pip install .
# import required libraries
from vidgear.gears import VideoGear
import cv2
stream = VideoGear(enablePiCamera = False, source=0).start()
# define various attributes and start the stream
# infinite loop
while True:
frame =
# read frames
# check if frame is None
if frame is None:
#if True break the infinite loop
# do something with frame here
cv2.imshow("Output Frame", frame)
# Show output window
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
# check for 'q' key-press
if key == ord("q"):
if 'q' key-pressed break out
# close output window
# safely close video stream.
Checkout wiki for extensive usage documentation and examples.
- Multi-Threaded high-speed OpenCV video-frame capturing(resulting in High FPS)
- Built-in Robust Error and frame synchronization Handling
- Multi-Platform compatibility
- Flexible control over the output stream
- Small Size
This Project is licensed under the MIT license. You are welcome to contribute with suggestions, feature requests and pull requests.