Tags API is a Rails GraphQl API that accepts JSON payload to the path '/graphql' that looks like:
"user_id" : 1234,
"title" : "My title",
"tags" : ["tag1", "tag2"]
When that happens, the app try to create a Ticket with these attributes. If the ticket is valid, the ticket is saved at the database and a callback triggers a webhook to https://webhook.site with a payload containing the the tag with the highest count.
This app uses:
- Ruby version 2.7.1
- Rails 6.0.3
- PostgreSQL 12.4
- GraphQL 1.9.17
For more details check Gemfile.
This app is published at Heroku and you can access the graphql interface here: https://secure-depths-05821.herokuapp.com/graphiql
You can also run locally with docker if you wish running docker-compose up
on your terminal.
The Ticket entity it's composed of the following properties:
- user_id: Integer
- title: String
- tags: array of String
The Tag entity it's composed of the following properties:
- name: String
- count: Integer
With GraphQL is not possible to change the status code when returning model validation errors. When a error occurs, GraphQl return status code 200 and a array with all errors. Exmaple of returning an error:
"data": {
"createTicket": null
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid input: Title can't be blank",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
The GraphQL interface have a docs session that list all possible queries and mutations. The link to this interface is https://secure-depths-05821.herokuapp.com/graphiql.
In this app you can: create tickets, list all tickets and list all tags. Above we have examples of the respective mutation and queries:
mutation {
createTicket (input: {
userId: 2,
title: "Davi Aranha",
tags: ["Pending"]
allTickets {
allTags {
If you don't wanna use graphql interface you can use the same payload and post it to https://secure-depths-05821.herokuapp.com/graphql endpoint.