This is a nice tool for the regamebox distribution made for the pi2scart and pi2jamma hardware.
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This tool generates a raspberry pi conform hdmi_timings for retro games.
Input Paramter
width - width resolution of game
height - height resolution of game
freq - frequency of game
shift - x shift on screen
superres - 0 or 1 for superres use and not
mode - 0, 1, 2 for modes
mode = 0 write result file on disk
mode = 1 write results in files for regamebox
mode = 2 execute timings directly
gcc -o mme4crt mme4crt.c
./mme4crt 320 224 60 5 0 2
execute res of 320@224@60, move pic 5 pix right, no superres and execute res directly
./mme4crt 320 224 60 -30 1 1
execute super res of 320@224@60, move pic 30 pix left, use superres and write files needed for regamebox
Result files
- contains scripts for changing resolutions
- contains config for retroarch
- sort of logfile