A twitch mIRC bot used with nightbot to give you everything you will need
Use: Remote, Users, Variables are to be copied and pasted in the script editor under their respective files quotesinfo.txt, announcments.txt, and Points.ini are to be moved to C:\Users\work\AppData\Roaming\mIRC (or where ever your mIRC program files are)
Use this guide to connect mIRC to twitch http://help.twitch.tv/customer/portal/articles/1302780-twitch-irc#mIRC guide !MAKE SURE to follow the part that will enable join and parts. By default this option is not enabled and will not enable points (which is like half of the bot)
Written by Dan Janes https://github.com/arces https://www.twitch.tv/starfox707 and is used on https://www.twitch.tv/namastegaming (come check it out in action). The bot runs 24/7 but the points are only in use on streams