A collaborative list of awesome Swift resources,inspired by awesome-python and listed on awesome-awesomeness.
Feel free to contribute!
Some interesting demo/poc apps written in swift.
A list of iOS swift demo apps
- 2048 - 2048 demo game in swift.
- Alarm - an alarm app in swift.
- Chat - chat like app implementation in swift.
- CloudKit-To-Do-List - a cloudkit based to do list.
- DeckRocket - deckrocket porting in swift.
- FlappySwift - flappy bird clone in swift.
- HackerNews - hackernews reader app written in swift.
- HausClock - chess stile clock app in swift.
- MyAwesomeChecklist - checklist app in swift.
- SwiftDemo - a collection of demo for swift.
- SwiftFlickrApp - flickr app written in swift.
- SwiftHN - hacker news app in swift.
- SwiftWeather - a nice weather app written in swift.
- Valio - event time table app in swift.
A list of OSX swift demo apps
- clock-saver - a clock screen saver for osx written in swift.
Dependency manager software for swift.
- cocoapods - the most used dependency manager for Objective-C and now Swift projects.
Some extra stuffs and goodies for swift
- Vim Swift - play swift with vim editor.
An awesome list of swift related guides.
- Apple eBook - Official Apple eBook for swift beginners.
- Learn Swift - a collection of tuts that will help you learning swift via playground.
- Pratice Swift - an interesting guide to learn swift.
- SwiftGuide CN - A chinese written guide for swift.
- SwiftInFlux - A well explained list of feature in flux for swift
- Swift Style Guide - Raywenderlich swift guide, a must read.
Here you can find a list of snippets and libs for your swift projects.
Bored of using storyboard? Give a try to declarative auto layout libs.
- Cartography - declarative auto layout lib for your project.
- SwiftAutoLayout - a small DSL for autolayout.
- Tails - declarative autolayout for ios app written in swift.
- snappy - Swift port of Masonry Auto Layout DSL
Interesting snippets related to color management and utilty.
- UIColor-Hex-Swift - an hex to uicolor converter.
No more pain with Core Data, here listed some interesting lib to handle data management.
- QueryKit - an easy way to play with coredata filtering within your swift projects.
Struggling using json data? Here you are some interesting way to handle it.
- json-swift - A basic library for working with JSON in swift.
- SwiftyJSON - A lib for JSON in swift with error handling.
- SwiftMapper - JSON Mapper.
Are you interested in storing your app data using SQLite? Here some interesting resources.
- SQLiteDB - sqlite wrapper for swift.
A collection of font related snippets.
- MCFontAwesome - fontawesome porting for swift.
- SwiftFonts - render all the supported fonts in swift.
Do you need any framework?
- Swifter Twitter - Swifter Twitter framework for swift.
A list of libs that allow you to decrease the amount of time spent to deal with http requests.
- agent - http request agent.
- GRequest - http request handler.
- YYHRequest-Swift - http request in async.
- alamofire - Elegant Networking in Swift
Do you want to create your own customized keyboard? Here some interesting resources
- Hodor Keyboard - poc for custom keyboard implementation.
- swix - A general matrix language.
Interested in using iBeacon in your swift project? Here some interesting resources.
- iBeacon - iBeacon implementation in swift.
An interesting list of image related libs..
- CYFastImage - display images from web.
- PASImageView - async remote download your image and round them. automatically.
- UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift - autoresize images and if any face discovered refine the position of the image.
A collection of testing frameworks.
- Sleipnir - BDD-style framework for Swift.
- Swiftest - experimental BDD-style framework.
- Quick - Quick is a behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C.
A collection of pre-packaged transitions & cool ui stuffs.
- CharacterText - perform fx on UILabel.
- hamburger button transition - Hamburger button transition.
- GoogleWearAlert - Google Wear Alert style.
- pinterest transition - Pinterest style transition.
- SCLAlertView - Animated Alert view.
- JTToast - Toast for swift.
- ZFRippleButton - A ripple button animation.
Some interesting utilities that help you in your projects
- __ - Underscore.js power in your Swift projects.
- AwesomeCache - manage cache easy in your swift project.
- BrightFutures - promise and future lib for swift.
- CLKit - a way to create cli with swift.
- Collection Each - add each func to collections.
- Dollar - a lib similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript.
- PromiseKit - async promise programming lib.
- Pythonic.swift - Pythonic tool-belt for Swift: a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library.
- Swiftz - a lib for functional programming.
- Swift Sugar - objsugar ported to swift.
- XCGLogger - a lib that help you handling better debug logging.
- SpecificationPattern - chainable rules useful for form validation.
- Async – Syntactic swift sugar for Grand Central Dispatch
Do you wanna host a webserver in your device? Here you can find some tricks to do it.
- swifter - Http server written in Swift with routing handler.