rizond q ibc-transfer params
receive_enabled: true send_enabled: true
git clone https://github.com/cosmos/relayer.git && cd relayer && make install; cd
rly version
version: 1.0.0-rc1–152-g112205b
rly config init cd relayer && mkdir rly-config && cd rly-config nano kichain-t-4.json
copy the content and place it in a file
{ "chain-id": "kichain-t-4", "rpc-addr": "https://rpc-challenge.blockchain.ki:443", "account-prefix": "tki", "gas-adjustment": 1.5, "gas-prices": "0.025utki", "trusting-period": "48h" }
Create a file for the second network
nano groot-011.json
{ "chain-id": "groot-011", "rpc-addr": "http://localhost:26657", #port can be replaced, according to config.toml "account-prefix": "rizon", "gas-adjustment": 1.5, "gas-prices": "0.025uatolo", "trusting-period": "48h" }
Add above both chains to relayer
rly chains add -f groot-011.json rly chains add -f kichain-t-4.json
Create new wallets or restore the ones you already have:
rly keys add groot-011 name of your wallet rly keys add kichain-t-4 name of your wallet
or restore:
rly keys restore groot-011 "mnemonic" rly keys restore kichain-t-4 "mnemonic"
Add created keys to the config of the relay
rly chains edit groot-011 key rly chains edit kichain-t-4 key
Change the timeout of waiting for confirmation
nano ~/.relayer/config/config.yaml
timeout: 30s
Wallets must be funded on both networks, check
rly q balance groot-011 rly q balance kichain-t-4
Initialize the light client in both networks
rly light init groot-011 -f rly light init kichain-t-4 -f
Generate a channel between the networks
rly paths generate groot-011 kichain-t-4 transfer -- port=transfer
Generated path(transfer), run 'rly paths show transfer -- yaml' to see details
If something went wrong
rly tx link transfer --debug
Change the configuration
nano /root/.relayer/config/config.yaml
Clear sections on both networks
client-id: ..-tendermint-.. connection-id: connection-.. channel-id: channel-..
Reinitialize the light client
rly light init groot-011 -f rly light init kichain-t-4 -f
Run the command to open the channel again
rly tx link transfer -- debug
★ Channel created: [groot-011]chan{channel-..}port{transfer} -> [kichain-t-4]chan{channel-..}port{transfer}
Checking channel
rly paths list -d
0: transfer -> chns(✔) clnts(✔) conn(✔) chan(✔) (groot-011:transfer<>kichain-t-4:transfer)
Start cross-network transaction
rly tx transfer groot-011 kichain-t-4 500000uatolo tki1... -- path transfer
msg(0:transfer) hash(HASH)
Send back
rly tx transfer kichain-t-4 groot-011 500000utki rizon1... -- path transfer
msg(0:transfer) hash(HASH)
View the address
rly keys list groot-011
rly keys list kichaint-t-4