myTinyTodo is a simple, self-hosted way to manage to your lists.
myTinyTodo is a web application developed by Max Pozdeev. Since development was abandoned in 2014, this fork (based on v1.4.3) aims at updating and enhancing the application. Currently, this includes the following:
- Support for php7
- Added a German translation
- When accessing the app with a mobile device, one is automatically redirected to the optimized mobile version
A web server, which supports php, such as Apache or NGINX. Make sure the web server supports the following:
- PHP >= 5.2.0
- php_pdo, php_mysql, and php_pdo_sqlite
Execute the following steps to install myTinyTodo on your server (taken from as of 2017-12-04):
- Download, unpack and upload to your site.
- Run setup.php, select and specify settings of database you prefer. For sqlite usage make sure that database file db/todolist.db is writable for webserver/php. Then click Install to create tables in database. It's recommended to delete this file after installation.
- To protect your tasks from modification by the others you may specify password in settings. By default session files are stored in tmp/sessions directory. Make sure it's writable for webserver/php.
- Open index.php in your browser to run the application. Then go to Settings and specify your time zone.