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💬 A privacy-friendly and customizable Disqus (comment system) alternate. 注重隐私保护和定制化的评论系统。
Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
Science Parse parses scientific papers (in PDF form) and returns them in structured form.
Source codes for our AAAI'20 paper: Adaptive Factorization Network: Learning Adaptive-Order Feature Interactions
A modular embodied agent architecture and platform for building embodied agents
Low code web framework for real world applications, in Python and Javascript
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
A Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization
Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Languages" published in Findings of the Association for Co…
Learn how to design, develop, deploy and iterate on production-grade ML applications.
Epipolar Transformers (best paper award, CVPR 2020 workshop)
Efficient 3D human pose estimation in video using 2D keypoint trajectories
Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System
Trankit is a Light-Weight Transformer-based Python Toolkit for Multilingual Natural Language Processing
Model interpretability and understanding for PyTorch
Model explainability that works seamlessly with 🤗 transformers. Explain your transformers model in just 2 lines of code.
【PyTorch】Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models.
Implementation of 'lightweight' GAN, proposed in ICLR 2021, in Pytorch. High resolution image generations that can be trained within a day or two
Simplest working implementation of Stylegan2, state of the art generative adversarial network, in Pytorch. Enabling everyone to experience disentanglement
StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation
Pyspark RDD, DataFrame and Dataset Examples in Python language
Which is the fastest web framework?
A standard framework for modelling Deep Learning Models for tabular data
State-of-the-Art Text Embeddings
A List of Recommender Systems and Resources