nasscom-mern-web-app Public
A project built using MERN stack for education purpose.
GSTR1 Public
App to parse GSTR1 json file for offline processing.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2023 -
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
AWS_S3_Backup Public
Electron project to backup files to S3. Backups can be one-time, recurring or live.
drawflow Public
Forked from bm777/drawflowopen source librairie for drawing figure on image around object and faces
slate Public
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
plaid Public
Forked from nickbutcher/plaidAn Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
firebase-starter Public
A simple android application to demonstrate usage of firebase.
sdk-java Public
Forked from jeffkelsey/sdk-javaTicketmaster Java SDK
Android-Cookbook-Examples Public
Forked from IanDarwin/Android-Cookbook-ExamplesCollected code examples from the O'Reilly Android Cookbook
arduino-api Public
Forked from vmandrade/arduino-apiArduino-API for logging and streaming data to online graphs
octave Public
Forked from scopegate/octaveOctave: A free library of UI sounds, handmade for iOS
Streaming-Demos Public
Forked from plotly/Streaming-DemosDemos of Plotly's Real-time Streaming API
python-api Public
Forked from plotly/plotly.pyPython-API for beautiful, interactive, & shareable graphs
AMSlideMenu Public
Forked from matghazaryan/AMSlideMenu2Sliding Menu for iOS (Left and Right menus)
TextSecure Public
Forked from signalapp/Signal-AndroidA secure text messaging application for Android.
TextSecure-iOS Public
Forked from pita5/TextSecure-iOSA secure text messaging application for iOS
Android-Templates-And-Utilities Public
Forked from petrnohejl/android-templates-and-utilitiesCollection of source codes, utilities, templates and snippets for Android development.
BEMSimpleLineGraph Public
Forked from Boris-Em/BEMSimpleLineGraphiOS library to create simple line graphs/charts (charting library).
express-admin Public
Forked from simov/express-adminMySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL admin for NodeJS
core-plot-1 Public
Forked from core-plot/core-plotCore Plot source code and example applications
designate Public
Forked from devcamcar/monikerMoniker - DNS for OpenStack
PNChart Public
Forked from kevinzhow/PNChartA simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
plotly-nodejs Public
Forked from plotly/plotly-nodejsA simple node.js wrapper for Plot.ly's REST API
pure Public
Forked from pure-css/pureA set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.