Digital Fortress is an Online Detective cum Quizzing game which was live in MUKTI 2016, the annual foss symposium where an user is presented with a set of questions based on a theme and a main question which he/she needs to solve to proceed to the next round. On solving each preliminary question of a round a latitude-longitude position is unlocked which gets plotted on a Google Map. This points on the map, shaped formed with multiple points on the map, etc are hints for solving the main question of that round.
To view Digital Fortress in action please visit the following website Digital Fortress
- Create a database and set the database configuration in .env file
- Create your facebook app and add the following details in .env file
FB_REDIRECT= 'siteurl/login/fb/callback'
where siteurl = http://localhost:8000 for local development assuming default port 8000
- Then follow the below steps to get digital fortress up and running
git clone
sudo chmod 777 -R digitalfortress
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan panel:install
- To access the admin panel follow the steps:
- Goto http://localhost:8000/panel/login and login with credentials
Email Id : [email protected]
Password : 12345
- Edit your profile and change password accordingly
- Goto the links table and add the following models in it
Display | Model |
Question | question |
Round | round |
Solved Questions | solved |
Leaderboard | leaderboard |
Users | users |
Hints | hints |
- Now you can add utilise all the admin features of the game.
Admin Panel by Serverfireteam Socialite Package