A framework and a CLI tool to measure throughput and end-to-end latency of an IoT Edge inspired by this blog post: https://aka.ms/IotEdgePerf
Useful for:
- measuring the rate/throughput at transmitter egress (A) and iot hub ingress (B) along with the A-to-B latency
- sizing HW (or VM) to meet the target rate/latency or assessing the maximum rate/throughput achievable on a given configuration
- optimizing rates/latency by fine-tuning message batching
The framework includes:
- a transmitter module (1), to generate traffic
- an IotEdgePer.Profiler class (2), used by the transmitter module. It can also be used to instrument and profile your code
- an ASA query (3), to measure the ingestion latency and rate
- the IotEdgePer.ConsoleApp (4) CLI app, to control the transmitter, to analyze the data produced by the ASA job and show the results
An example:
dotnet run -- --payload-length=2048 --burst-length=10000 target-rate=500
- a TEST device (VM or real HW) provisioned with IoT Edge 1.1/1.2
- a linux DEV machine
- Azure IoT Hub, Azure Stream Analytics job (see above), Azure Event Hubs
- optional: log analytics workspace for logging edge metrics to the cloud
Log-in into the iot edge device and create the '/iotedge' folder (will be used to bind the edgeHub's folder):
sudo mkdir -p /iotedge && sudo chown -R 1000 /iotedge && sudo chmod 700 /iotedge
At any time you can check the size consumed by the edgeHub queue with:
du -hd1 /iotedge
The performance tests can be done with the .NET Console app, which requires .NET 5. The app has two modes:
for deploying Azure IoT Edge modules on the pre-provisioned edge.runtest
mode for running multiple iterations of the tests.
Deploy the transmitter module (without metrics-collector) to the pre-provisioned Edge Device Under Test (DUT)
Deploying the modules to your IoT Edge only needs to be done once, afterwards you can run the performance test multiple times without needing to redeploy the Edge modules.
dotnet run -p ./source/IotEdgePerf.ConsoleApp -- deploy --device-id="myedgedeviceid" --image-uri "arlotito/iotedgeperf-transmitter:0.6.0" -b 200
The parameter "-b 200" sets "MaxUpstreamBatchSize" to 200. Change it to fit your needs.
In order to deploy the required modules, and additionally add the Metrics Collector module, you need to gather the following settings to pass on to the app:
: This is the Log Analytics Workspace ID. It's in the form of a GUID.log-a-iotresourceid
: This is the IoT Hub's Resource ID.log-a-key
: the log analytics shared key.
dotnet run -p ./source/IotEdgePerf.ConsoleApp -- deploy \
--device-id="myedgedeviceid" \
--image-uri "arlotito/iotedgeperf-transmitter:0.6.0" \
--log-a-workspaceid "/subscriptions/xyz/resourceGroups/xyz/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/xyz" \
--log-a-iotresourceid "xyzguid" \
--log-a-key "xyzkey"
dotnet run -p ./source/IotEdgePerf.ConsoleApp -- runtest \
--ehName="myEventHubName" \
--eh-conn-string="Endpoint=sb://xyz.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxx" \
--iot-conn-string="HostName=xxx;SharedAccessKeyName=service;SharedAccessKey=xxx" \
--device-id="myEdgeDevice" \
--payload-length=2048 \
--burst-length=10000 \
--target-rate=500 \
-o test.csv
To make the command line command shorter, some parameters can laso be passed over via ENV variables:
export DEVICE_ID=__redacted__
export EH_NAME=__redacted__
export EH_CONN_STRING=__redacted__
export IOT_CONN_STRING=__redacted__
export IOT_HUB_NAME=__redacted__
and then run with:
dotnet run -p ./source/IotEdgePerf.ConsoleApp -- runtest \
--device-id="myEdgeDevice" \
--payload-length=1024 \
--burst-length=10000 \
--target-rate=2000 \
-o test.csv
On the DEV machine, build the iotEdgePerfTool as a self-contained binary:
dotnet publish ./source/iotEdgePerf/iotEdgePerf.csproj -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --configuration Release -o .