Peddy - Pet Adoption Platform
Peddy - Pet Adoption Platform is an interactive web application created to streamline the pet adoption experience. Utilizing HTML, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, and JavaScript, this project provides a modern and user-friendly interface for pet lovers looking to adopt.
- 🐕 Browse available pets by category
- ⏳ Loading Spinner: Displays a loading spinner while fetching data to enhance user experience during loading times.
- 🛒 Adopt pets with a countdown confirmation
- 📱 Fully responsive design for mobile and tablat device
- 🧩 Category Filter: Dynamically filter pets by specific categories
for block-scoped variables -
Arrow functions
for concise function expressions -
Template literals for dynamic HTML content
Array Iteration and Sorting: Implemented forEach for array traversal and sort() for organizing data efficiently.
Promises with then() and catch() for handling asynchronous operations (used extensively in fetch requests)
Netlify Live Link : 👉