#code, data, and analysis for 'Questions and answers in dialogue' paper: https://psyarxiv.com/j2cp6/
This repo contains extension code for the Q_and_A code base in order to allow for a 4x4 grid. We would like to test how the model performs once the grid is expanded.
AL changes Q_andA/Experiments/SpatialExperiment
(A) map.js --> map_al.js
- edited this.labels = []
- edited samplePractice
- edited sampleRandom
- edited samplePragmatic
- edited sampleEmpty
- edited allHidden
- edited allBombs
(B) index.html
- edited all display grids
(C) drawing.js
- ASK ABOUT submit (event) func
- initBombMap(game): edited grid and update range; WHAT ABOUT z-index?
- initGrid(game): edited grid and update range; WHAT ABOUT z-index? WHAT ABOUT var shadow MAY ALSO NEED TWEAKING OF z-index IN VARS and STYLE
(D) customGame.js
- edited variables for grid cells
(E) customClient
- ASK ABOUT (149) if(additionalCell != '') { --> needs other cell2Positive?
- edited game.checkGrid = function() { with updated grid
- edited if(!game.roundOver) { //update row and column length
(F) config.js
- edited "numHorizontalCells" : 5 and "numVerticalCells" : 5,
Q_andA/Experiments/SpatialExperiment/src (config and server save csv)
- ASK ABOUT sharedUtils.js
(A) instructions.html
- edited grid to 4x4
Q_andA/modeling/qa (A) spatialModel.wppl
- edited grid
- ASK ABOUT any need to expand shortAnswers and longAnswers
(B) qa.js
- edited grid
(C) LOOK AT/ASK ABOUT postprocessQ.js and postprocessA.js
(A) questionerDataAnalysis.wppl
- edited grid in relevant places
(B) generateBotBehavoir.wppl
- ASK ABOUT any need for examples? left as they are for now
(C) predictives.wppl
- edited grid in relevant places