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Ledita is a web app that supports the learning design practice among teachers of Italian as a second / foreign language.

Project Website:

  • Install MySQL 5.5.24

  • Connect to mysql as root and run the following scripts to create the database, user, and populate sample data

    mysql -u root
    source database\local\ledita-web-app.sql
    source database\local\demo-data.sql
    source database\local\user.sql

    For Mac or Linux, switch the \ to /

    Add mysql bin to your PATH, this is required for running e2e tests. For Windows, add for example C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin to the PATH environment variable. For Mac/Linux, edit your ~.bash_profile, for example export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH

  • If you don't already have it, install Node.js

  • Install grunt

     npm install -g grunt-cli
     For Mac, use ```sudo```
  • Install node-gyp, this is a required dependency for bcrypt which is used by this project for password hashing.

    npm install -g node-gyp

    For Mac, use sudo

  • Install other required dependencies for bcrypt

  • Optionally, install Chrome Extension AngularJS Batarang

  • Clone this repo and cd to project directory, then run

    npm install

    For Windows, set Visual Studio version first, before running npm install

    SET VisualStudioVersion=11.0
  • Fix Karma installation (Windows 7 64 bit only)

    For Windows 64 bit, the Karma launcher configuration points to the wrong location for Chrome. Fix it by modifying the following file, located inside the project folder:


    Original line

    win32: process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + '\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'

    Change it to

    win32: process.env.ProgramFiles + ' (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'
  • Create server logs directory

    This project is using log4js-node. This module expects that the configured logs directory already exists. Switch to project root directory, then mkdir logs

  • Initialize user upload directory, this is excluded from version control but required for user profile service

      * ``` mkdir user-upload && cd user-upload ```
      * ``` mkdir avatar ```
      * ``` cd .. ```
      * ``` cp client/img/pics/user*.png user-upload/avatar ```
  • From project root directory, run

    node server.js
  • Browse to https://localhost:8443

  • Login using any of the demo users

    • username is the email address
    • passw0rD

Running Tests

Before any pushes are made, please ensure all tests pass locally. Tests will also be run automatically on Travis for every git push. If you're on Mac or Linux, the easiest way to run all tests is from project root, run ./

However, if you're on Windows, or want to run different types of tests individually, the instructions below explain how to to do so.

Run Server Tests

npm test    

This runs unit and DAO tests. If you have any DAO tests failing locally, reset your database by running the sql scripts as described in the Setup Instructions. A more ideal solution would be to have a separate test database schema used only by the local tests, together with an automated process that recreates and populates the database prior to each test run. That way work done in the local database would not interfere with the test database and vice versa. A developer should look into this when there's time.

npm run-script client-test

This uses karma to run the Angular unit tests.

  • Start Karma with e2e test config (from project root)

    The e2e tests are also dependent on the database. To ensure a clean start each time, the database is reset prior to the e2e test run. For Windows, the script assumes you have a mysql root user password set. For example, if your mysql root password is catswillruletheworld, then run the script as follows


    test\client\scripts\local-e2e-test.bat catswillruletheworld

    For Mac or Linux, the script assumes no mysql root user password is set.

    Mac or Linux


Debug End To End Tests

If you're having a test failure, you can insert a breakpoint to figure out what's going on.

  • Insert the following line in any end to end test code

  • Follow instructions to Run End To End Tests

  • Chrome browser will be launched to run tests, and when breakpoint is hit, will display the app at that point in time

  • Click resume in the browser to continue the test

View Client side Test Coverage Reports

  • Run the unit and e2e tests, karma has been configured to generate coverage reports
  • Open unit test report in browser your-project-root/test/client/coverage/unit/Chrome-generated-version-stuff/lcov-report/index.html
  • Open e2e test report in browser your-project-root/test/client/coverage/e2e/Chrome-generated-version-stuff/lcov-report/index.html
  • karma-coverage is used to generate coverage reports for client side unit and e2e tests

Run Test Coverage Report (server side)

  • npm run-script test-cov
  • coverage.html will be generated in test/server/coverage.html, open it in a browser
  • You may see stacktrace/error info, click on overview from top right corner to see the coverage stats
  • Click on any individual file to see uncovered lines
  • The coverage report is built using the blanket node module

Run Tests on Mobile Devices (client side)

  • Make sure the mobile device(s) are connected on the same network as your computer
  • Determine your computer's IP address, for example on a mac ifconfig | grep inet, on a PC ipconfig
  • From the mobile device, open the browser and navigate to http://your-ip-address:9876 (it may say page not available, that's ok for now)
  • From your computer, run npm run-script client-test, and refresh the browser on the mobile device
  • Repeat for npm run-script client-e2e-test

Production Deployment

These instructions are a work in progress. Grunt.js should be considered for automating some of these steps where possible.

  • Create the project root directory LEDITA.

  • Copy the server directory to LEDITA, minus the tests folder.

  • Copy the client directory to LEDITA.

  • Create the logs directory inside LEDITA.

  • Create the user-upload/avatar directory inside LEDITA.

  • Copy env.json from root of git project, to LEDITA and add prod section, for example:

        "prod" : {
            "db_host" : "prod-db-host",
            "db_schema" : "ledita-web-app",
            "db_user" : "ledita",
            "db_pswd" : "prod-db-pswd",
            "db_pool_connection_limit" : 20,
            "hash_work_factor" : 10,
            "_comment_remember_me_ms" : "7 days in ms: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 = 604800000",
            "remember_me_ms" : 604800000,
            "cookie_secret" : "cookie-secret-for-production",
            "_comment_encrypt_cookie" : "Set encrypt_cookie to true for production",
            "encrypt_cookie" : true
  • Install and initialize the MySQL database using ledita-web-app.sql on a production database server (not the same server where the app will run of course). Create a db user as per user.sql but modify the password to match what's defined in env.json.

  • For SSL, get real cert.pem and key.pem files and copy them to server/cert

  • On the production server where node will be running, run npm install -g node-gyp, then npm install

  • Start the server NODE_ENV=prod node server.js > /dev/null &

  • TODO: Configure monitoring tool such as forever?


Learning Design for Italian Language







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