The API provides versatile and secure solution for managing contact details. It provides endpoints for creating, editing, fetching and deleting contact records, while ensuring the data is encrypted and can be stored in various SQL databases such as SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- Babel
- Express
- joi
- dotenv
- crypto
- sequelize
- tedious
- pg
- mysql2
- chai
- mocha
- npm install -g @babel/node
- npm install -g @babel/cli
- npm install -g nodemon
- npm install
- To run migrations run
npm run migrate
- To run the application locally run
npm run start:dev
- To run the application production run
npm run start:prod
- To run tests run
npm run test
- POST http://localhost:5002/api/v1/contact/create
{ "mobileNumber": "+254100000000", "firstName": "Geoffrey", "lastName": "Otieno", "emailAddress": "[email protected]" } - PUT http://localhost:5002/api/v1/contact/update/:contactId
{ "mobileNumber": "+254100000000", "firstName": "Geoffrey", "lastName": "Otieno", "emailAddress": "[email protected]" } - GET http://localhost:5002/api/v1/contacts/fetchAll
- GET http://localhost:5002/api/v1/contact/fetch/:contactId
- DELETE http://localhost:5002/api/v1/contact/delete/:contactId
- Database configguration examples are provided in env.example file