This cross-platform command-line program decrypts journals encrypted with Mémoires 4.0 and later. The result of decryption is the original unencrypted journal (which is an SQLite database file).
Of course, you need the original password to decrypt.
The program is freely available under the 2-clause BSD license as an anti-lock in initiative of Coding Robots, makers of Mémoires. We support open standards and data portability.
Download a binary for your operating system from releases.
To install the program from sources, first install Go programming language. Then type the following command in Terminal:
go get
This command will install memoires-decrypt
into your $GOPATH/bin directory.
memoires-decrypt -p="password" -in="encrypted.memoire" -out="decrypted.memoire"
-in: encrypted journal file
-out: decrypted SQLite file
-p: password