A small library to extract style and CSS transform declarations from a React props object into a style object, with some helpful conversions along the way. See stylistic-elements for the higher-level application of this.
For example:
import {extract} from 'stylistic';
id: 'myElement',
onClick: onClickHandler,
marginTop: 12,
translateY: 24,
// Returns:
id: 'myElement',
onClick: onClickHandler,
style: {
marginTop: 12,
transform: 'translate(0, 24px)',
Note: this is a work-in-progress. CSS properties will be added as needed or as requested. Support for browser prefixing is coming.
- backgroundColor (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - backgroundImage (just use path/URL directly, no need to wrap it in
) - backgroundPosition
- backgroundRepeat
- backgroundSize
- borderBottomColor (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - borderBottomStyle
- borderBottomWidth
- borderColor (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - borderLeftColor (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - borderLeftStyle
- borderLeftWidth
- borderRadius
- borderRightColor (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - borderRightStyle
- borderRightWidth
- borderStyle
- borderTopColor (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - borderTopStyle
- borderTopWidth
- borderWidth
- bottom
- boxSizing
- color (
[r, g, b, a]
arrays supported) - cursor
- display
- float
- fontFamily
- fontSize
- fontStyle
- fontWeight
- height
- left
- letterSpacing (assumes pixels, no need to add
) - lineHeight (assumes pixels, no need to add
) - marginBottom
- marginLeft
- marginRight
- marginTop
- maxHeight
- maxWidth
- minHeight
- minWidth
- opacity
- outline
- overflow
- paddingBottom
- paddingLeft
- paddingRight
- paddingTop
- pointerEvents
- position
- right
- textAlign
- textDecoration
- textOverflow
- textRendering
- top
- verticalAlign
- WebkitFontSmoothing
- whiteSpace
- width
- translateX
- translateY
- translateZ
- scaleX
- scaleY
- rotateX
- rotateY
- rotateZ