A personal notepad for collecting all types of information about Android development. Tools that I've used or want to use.
- Useful links
- Tutorials
- Articles
- Android Studio plugins
- IDE tips
- Libraries
- Open source projects
- Quality
- Tools
- Never used, want to try
- Legacy - used in older projects
- Implementing In-App Updates in Android
- Understanding migrations with Room
- The S.O.L.I.D Principles in Pictures
- Image Loading with Glide - How it works
- Idiomatic Kotlin - series of articles
- Improving kotlin quality
- 20 Android Dev Tools You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
- Keep your codebase tidy with detekt
- Two Developer Tools for Documenting Android Codebases
- Rainbow Brackets
- Key Promoter X
- ADB Idea
- Presentation Assistant
- Name That Color - generating names for colors
- Retrofit - HTTP client
- Scarlet - A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client
- Moshi - JSON library
- Firebase Authentication - for users authentication
- JSoup - for web scrapping
- Coil - coroutines based image loading
- Koin - lightweight dependency injection
- AndroidX - Android extensions library
- Krate - shared preferences wrapper
- Signal - private messenger
- Timber - logger
- Pretty Timber Android Logcat - logging formatter
- Hyperion - app debugging & inspection tool
- Leak Canary - memory leak detection library
- Bye Bye Jetifier - plugin to verify if you can keep Android Jetifier disabled
- detekt
- Hyperion
- Hyperion - font scale plugin
- Kluent - fluent assertions library
- Material Design
- Material Design Tools
- Android UI libraries list
- Material Dialogs - material design dialogs
- MaterialTapTargetPrompt - material design prompts
- MPAndroidChart - charts library
- Epoxy - library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
- scrcpy - device screen on PC
- Android Asset Studio
- carbon - images of your source code
- cloc - count lines of code
- Glide - image loading library
- RxJava
- RxKotlin
- Butterknife - field and method binding
- Can I drop Jetifier - plugin that checks if there are dependencies using support library instead of AndroidX