Neighborhood Application for Udacity Course. This application requests your location and allows you to search for interesting locations near you. It presents this information on a large interactive map. You can access the live version here: Neighborhood Map
Users can select a category and a subcategory from the first 2 dropdowns in the dropdown mode, and select a distance (in miles) from their current location. Users can also switch into "Search Bar" mode to simply search by keywords. A green marker will mark the users current location (or the default location if geolocation is not enabled); red markers will mark matching results. Clicking on the red markers will bring up a content window with the location title, the latest Yelp review and Yelp rating, as well as a link to the Yelp listing. Users can also filter the current list of locations with the Filter Results input box above the Results list (simply begin entering text and the list and map will filter out accordingly).
This application makes use of Google Maps. The Google Maps API is documented here: Google Maps API
The locations are retrieved using the Yelp API. That API can be found here: Yelp API
Makes use of Async.js: Async.js
For MV*, this application makes use of Knockout.js: Knockout.js
Makes use of jQuery for AJAX requests: jQuery
Google map theme located here: Papuportal Dark
In Firefox if you deny the geolocation request, the error callback never fires. See bug here: