This repository contains the code, reports, and animations created for a study on Numerical Methods in Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (i.e. fluid mechanics). The methods explored here include Euler-Forward, Euler-Backward, Leapfrog, AB methods, RK methods, spectral and finite-volume methods. Refer to the syllabus attached for more details.
In each folder, the file "MTaskXX" where XX = 01, 02, ..., 07, contains the coding task synopsis and a general idea of the set-up, initial, and boundary conditions. The file "main.cpp" contains the code that is used to dicretize the differential equations and to step in time to create the simulation. The file "Report.pdf" outlines some of the results and observations.
The folder "rayleigh-taylor" outlines the creation of a Rayleigh-Taylor instability simulation. It contains some presentation slides and a summary PDF that can be used to recreate the simulation. This final project is contrasted with a PINN-based method to reproduce the same simulation, which can be found in the repository arushisinha98/rayleigh-taylor-2.0