A Java native language binding for Hoverfly, a Go proxy which allows you to simulate http services in your unit tests. Another term for this is Service Virtualisation.
As long as our pull requests are not yet accepted and officially released, use the following commands to deploy the snapshot artifacts to our Maven repository.
export MAVEN_REPO_URL_RELEASE='https://.../artifactory/ext-release-local'
export MAVEN_REPO_URL_SNAPSHOT='https://.../artifactory/ext-snapshot-local'
gradle clean build uploadArchives
Simulation of http/https services
Strict or loose http request matching based on URL, method, body and header combinations
Fluent and expressive DSL for easy generation of simulated services
Automatic marshalling of objects into JSON during request / response body generation
Create simulations by running in capture mode
Hoverfly is a proxy, so you don’t need to alter the host that you make requests to
Multiple hosts / services per single instance of Hoverfly
Https automatically supported, no extra configuration required
Interoperable with standard Hoverfly JSON, making it easy to re-use data between Java and other native language bindings.
Use externally managed Hoverfly cluster for API simulations
Request verification
Response templating
Full documentation is available here
// Capture and output HTTP traffic to json file
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inCaptureMode("simulation.json");
// After the capturing, switch to inSimulationMode to spin up a stub server
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(defaultPath("simulation.json"));
// Or you can use both approaches at once. If json file not present in capture mode, if present in simulation mode
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inCaptureOrSimulationMode("simulation.json");
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(dsl(
public void shouldBeAbleToGetABookingUsingHoverfly() {
// When
final ResponseEntity<String> getBookingResponse = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://www.my-test.com/api/bookings/1", String.class);
// Then
assertEquals(bookFlightResponse.getStatusCode(), CREATED);
assertEquals(bookFlightResponse.getHeaders().getLocation(), "http://localhost/api/bookings/1");
Some code examples for the DSL are available here.
More code examples for the DSL using request matchers can be found here.
// Verify that at least one request to a specific endpoint with any query params
hoverflyRule.verify(service(matches("*.flight.*")).get("/api/bookings").anyQueryParams(), atLeastOnce());
// Verify that an external service/dependency was not called
// Verify all the stubbed requests were made at least once
Contributions are welcome!
To submit a pull request you should fork the Hoverfly-Java repository, and make your change on a feature branch of your fork.