World-scale maps using geo-three and support for multiple map providers (Mapbox, Bing, HereMaps, etc)
For A-Frame.
Property | Description | Default Value |
provider | Map Tiles Provider | mapbox-satellite-labels |
providerHeight | Map Tiles Provider to fetch terrain height | mapbox-satellite |
mapView | Method to display map - planar, height, height-shader or spherical | planar |
lod | decides how tiles are subdivided | raycast |
mapboxApiKey | API Key for Mapbox | '' |
mapboxCustomStyle | only when using mapbox-custom provider | 'mapbox/dark-v10 |
hereMapsAppCode | App Code from HereMaps when using HereMaps providers | '' |
hereMapsAppId | App ID from HereMaps when using HereMaps providers | '' |
bingApiKey | Bing Maps API Key when using Bing maps providers | '' |
mapTilerApiKey | MapTiler API Key when using MapTiler maps providers | '' |
openMapTilesServerMap | Server path for self-hosted OpenMapTiles Server | '' |
List of available providers with required component parameters in square brackets:
TODO: Add screenshots for each provider
- openstreetmaps
- opentilemaps [openMapTilesServerMap]
- mapbox-vector [mapboxApiKey]
- mapbox-satellite [mapboxApiKey]
- mapbox-satellite-labels [mapboxApiKey]
- mapbox-dark [mapboxApiKey]
- mapbox-custom-style [mapboxApiKey, mapboxCustomStyle]
- heremaps-vector [hereMapsAppCode, hereMapsAppId]
- heremaps-vector-night [hereMapsAppCode, hereMapsAppId]
- heremaps-vector-terrain [hereMapsAppCode, hereMapsAppId]
- bingmaps-vector [bingApiKey]
- maptiler-vector-basic [mapTilerApiKey]
- maptiler-vector-outdoor [mapTilerApiKey]
- heremaps-satellite [hereMapsAppCode, hereMapsAppId]
- bingmaps-satellite [bingApiKey]
- maptiler-satellite-labels [mapTilerApiKey]
- maptiler-satellite [mapTilerApiKey]
- mapbox-height [mapboxApiKey]
- maptiler-height [mapTilerApiKey]
- mapbox-debug-height [mapboxApiKey]
- debug
Install and use by directly including the browser files:
<title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/aframe-geothree-component.min.js"></script>
<a-entity geothree="provider: mapbox-dark; mapboxApiKey: pk.useamapboxapikeyhere"></a-entity>
Install via npm:
npm install aframe-geothree-component
Then require and use.