Android ART Hook
- ARM64
- ARM32(no tested)
- Thumb-2
5.0 - 9.0
- Object Methods
- Static Methods
- Constructors
- System Methods
- JNI Methods
hook abstract method is not recommended, you can invoke its impl method.
cant hook if lined
implementation 'com.swift.sandhook:hooklib:2.0.0'
- Annotation API
- hook method must be a static method
- first par must be this if method is not static
- method description must "same"(can be isAssignableFrom) with origin method
- backup method same with above
public class ActivityHooker {
// can invoke to call origin
static Method onCreateBackup;
static Method onPauseBackup;
public static void onCreate(Activity thiz, Bundle bundle) {
Log.e("ActivityHooker", "hooked onCreate success " + thiz);
onCreateBackup(thiz, bundle);
public static void onCreateBackup(Activity thiz, Bundle bundle) {
//invoke self to kill inline
onCreateBackup(thiz, bundle);
public static void onPause(Activity thiz) {
Log.e("ActivityHooker", "hooked onPause success " + thiz);
public static void onPauseBackup(Activity thiz) {
//invoke self to kill inline
SandHook.addHookClass(CtrHook.class, LogHooker.class, CustmizeHooker.class, ActivityHooker.class, ObjectHooker.class);
you can also use:
SanHook.public static boolean hook(Member target, Method hook, Method backup) {}
if hookers is in plugin(like xposed):
provided 'com.swift.sandhook:hookannotation:2.0.0'
in your plugin
if OS <= 5.1 backup method can call itself to avoid be inlining
- Xposed API
Now you can use Xposed api:
provided 'com.swift.sandhook:xposedcompat:2.0.0'
//setup for xposed
XposedCompat.cacheDir = getCacheDir();
XposedCompat.context = this;
XposedCompat.classLoader = getClassLoader();
XposedCompat.isFirstApplication= true;
//do hook
XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onResume", new XC_MethodHook() {
protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
Log.e("XposedCompat", "beforeHookedMethod: " + param.method.getName());
protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
Log.e("XposedCompat", "afterHookedMethod: " + param.method.getName());