Steps to try out the sample.
- checkout the code
- run postgres and pgAdmin using
docker-compose up
- Using a browser go to
and explore the pgAdmin console. There should be two databasesdemo1
. pgAdmin will not ask for any passwords. - run the spring boot sample application with
./mvnw spring-boot:run
you will need Java 11 JDK installed for this command to work. If you are only interested in the postgres docker-compose configuration you can skip this step.
Check out my blog for a nice directory of other samples and technical posts. Full details of how the sample works below.
PostgresSQL is a very powerful open source database that is available everywhere from laptops to cloud providers. I have been using postgres for decades starting in 1998. There are two distinct ways that I use postgres on my dev workstation.
- ephemeral mode to execute automated tests
- persistent mode during development and manual testing
For automated integration testing I rely on the test containers project to automatically launch a fresh postgres database for each junit test. This makes tests reproducible, relatively quick and painless to write. While tests are executing I don't need to interact with the postgres server the tests are running against.
As I write code and manually interact with the application I am working on I want inspect the postgres database the application is talking to. For many years I got away with installing a local PostgresSQL on my dev machine. Everytime a new developer joins the project they have to install PostgreSQL on their workstation, then run a script to create the development database. If the developer is working on two different applications that use different versions of PostgreSQL then local workstation setup gets more complicated. Docker compose can significantly reduce local development environment setup friction.
Setting up pgAdmin with pre-configured connectivity and passwords is tricky, it requires in depth understanding of containers, docker, docker-compose, shell scripting, and how pgAdmin works. This repo provides a frictionless docker-compose pgAdmin and postgres configuration.
PgAdmin 4 is the graphical interface for working with Postgres, it is a single page JavaScript web application with a python backend. The diagram below shows the relationship between the various applications, containers, virtual machines running on a typical Docker desktop installed on MacOS or Windows.
On a Linux workstation there is no need for a virtual machine since the docker daemon can run natively. The port numbers on the diagram are the same for docker on linux. Setting up the containers with pre-configured connectivity is a bit tricky. Read on for the gory details.
We will break down the docker-compose.yml into parts and explain how each part works.
version: '3.8'
The above section defines standard docker-compose file version number, and it also defines
two volumes. The postgres volume will be used by the container running postgres, this means
that the state of the postgres database will survive restarts of the container. Similarly,
the pgadmin
volume will be used by the pgAdmin container to store its configuration
settings across container restarts.
Docker compose will automatically create a single network that all the containers will be connected
to and register them in DNS using the docker compose service name. This means that the pgAdmin
container can find the postgres server using its docker-compose service name which is postgres
docker-compose derives the network name from the directory name containing the
file. In this example the network name is docker-compose-postgres_default
The docker-compose.yml
contains a service named postgres
defined below.
container_name: demo_postgres
image: "postgres:15"
POSTGRES_USER: "postgres"
PGDATA: "/data/postgres"
- postgres:/data/postgres
- ./docker_postgres_init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/docker_postgres_init.sql
- "15432:5432"
restart: unless-stopped
In order to make the environment reproducible and predictable we explicitly set
the postgres container version to postgres:15
which will always give us the most recent
bug fix release of postgres 12. Setting the container tag to postgres:latest
will lead to unpredictability since we will get whatever is the latest version of
postgres at the time we run docker-compose up
To configure the administrative user for the database we set the POSTGRES_USER
environment variables.
Postgres database files are stored in /data/postgres
This directory is mapped to postgres volume via the mapping postgres:/data/postgres
When the postgres container starts it looks for a file called docker_postgres_init.sql
which will be executed during start up to configure the database. For example, in this repo we
create two databases demo1
and demo2
using the DDL below.
OWNER = postgres
LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'
LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8'
TABLESPACE = pg_default
OWNER = postgres
LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'
LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8'
TABLESPACE = pg_default
The postgres container looks for the initialization sql file at the path
. To keep things
simple we store our ddl in a file called docker_postgres_init.sql
and put it
at the same level as the docker-compose.yml
as shown by the example directory
listing below.
-rw-r--r-- 1 adib staff 1.0K 2 Aug 20:37 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 adib staff 300B 2 Aug 17:04 docker_pgadmin_servers.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 adib staff 375B 2 Aug 16:35 docker_postgres_init.sql
The init sql file is mapped to the place where the postgres container expects it to be via the volume mapping below.
- ./docker_postgres_init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/docker_postgres_init.sql
In order to make the postgres database running inside the docker container accessible to
applications on the workstation we map the default postgres port 5432
as shown by the docker-compose configuration below.
- "15432:5432"
When a developer checks out the git repo with the application source code in it we want
them to be able to run docker-compose up
and have that work, this is why we expose
port 15432
since the workstation might already have postgres installed and listening
on the default port 5432
. Our hope is that port 15432
is available on the developer's
For example the spring boot application included in this repo can connect to the postgres
database using the application.yml
configuration below
url: "jdbc:postgresql://"
username: postgres
password: password
Running the application with the command ./mvnw spring-boot:run
and making a request
to localhost:8080/
should return a random quote similar to the one below
"author": "Vincent Lombardi",
"id": 4,
"quote": "Success demands singleness of purpose"
The sample application uses Flyway DB to manage the configuration
of the database. You can find the DDL in the file
To set up the pgAdmin container we use the following service in the docker-compose
container_name: demo_pgadmin
image: "dpage/pgadmin4:4.24"
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: [email protected]
- pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin
- ./docker_pgadmin_servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json
- "15433:80"
- "/bin/sh"
- "-c"
- "/bin/echo 'postgres:5432:*:postgres:password' > /tmp/pgpassfile && chmod 600 /tmp/pgpassfile && /"
restart: unless-stopped
In order to have a repeatable build we use a specific version of the pgAdmin container
. David Page is the lead developer and maintainer of pgAdmin so
is a good container image to use.
pgAdmin can run in one of two modes desktop mode or server mode. When running in desktop mode pgAdmin assumes that it can only be reached from a developer's workstation and thus it will not require authentication to access the pgAdmin user interface. In server mode pgAdmin assumes that it is accessible to anyone on the network therefore it will require users to log in.
Since we are running pgAdmin on developer workstation accessible only on localhost we want to
skip pgAdmin authentication. Therefore, we run pgAdmin in desktop mode by setting the
environment variable PGADMIN_CONFIG_SERVER_MODE: "False"
Even though pgAdmin is running in desktop mode we still need to set up an admin username and password using the environment variables below.
pgAdmin is a generic console it can connect to multiple postgres servers. Therefore, it stores
the details of databases to connect to such as hostname, port number, user name, passwords
in pgAdmin. Since these credentials are sensitive it encrypts them with a master password
that must be entered by the user everytime they use pgAdmin. Since we are running pgAdmin to
administer the single local development server running in docker we can disable the master password
with the environment variable PGADMIN_CONFIG_MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: "False"
Normal behaviour of pgAdmin is for a user to use the GUI to define a connetion to a database as shown below.
To avoid having to enter the connection settings we can create a json file with the connection details that pgAdmin will import into its configuration the first time it starts.
"Servers": {
"1": {
"Name": "Docker Compose",
"Group": "Servers",
"Port": 5432,
"Username": "postgres",
"Host": "postgres",
"SSLMode": "prefer",
"MaintenanceDB": "postgres",
"PassFile": "/tmp/pgpassfile"
The pgAdmin container looks for connections file at pgadmin4/servers.json
we store the configuration file at docker_pgadmin_servers.json
and map it into
the pgAdmin container using the mapping ./docker_pgadmin_servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json
In order for pgAdmin to store it's state across container restarts we map the location
it stores state /var/lib/pgadmin
to the docker volume pgadmin
as shown in the yaml
- pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin
- ./docker_pgadmin_servers.json:/pgadmin4/servers.json
pgAdmin provides no mechanism to set passwords for the connections in servers.json
database passwords are sensitive and therefore should not be stored locally. This is a
very good policy on pgAdmin's part but given our goal of being able to just land directly
in the UI we have to override the pgAdmin container entrypoint as shown below.
- "/bin/sh"
- "-c"
- "/bin/echo 'postgres:5432:*:postgres:password' > /tmp/pgpassfile && chmod 600 /tmp/pgpassfile && /"
Docker executes an entrypoint via exec() function call without any shell expansion.
A docker entry point is an array of strings the first is the name of the executable
to run followed by the parameters to pass to the executable. To make formatting easier in the
file I used the list form as show in the code snippet above.
If we remove the yaml and docker entrypoint formatting the command executed is the one below.
/bin/sh -c /bin/echo 'postgres:5432:*:postgres:password' > /tmp/pgpassfile && chmod 600 /tmp/pgpassfile && /
/bin/sh -c
is used to execute the shell with input from the command line rather than from a file.
The &&
is used to chain a series of separate commands on a single line. If any command fails
subsequent commands will not be executed. With these advanced shell features explained we can
breakdown the command into individual steps.
/bin/echo 'postgres:5432:*:postgres:password' > /tmp/pgpassfile
The command above will write a postgres password file to /tmp/pgpassfile
which is referenced
in the servers.json
"Servers": {
"1": {
"PassFile": "/tmp/pgpassfile"
A postgres password file has the format hostname:port:database:username:password
the ability to use *
a wild card match on the first 4 fields. So we write
into the /tmp/pgpassfile
notice that we use
for the database portion this means that for all databases pgAdmin will try to use
as the username and password
as the password.
For security reasons pgAdmin will ignore any password files that are not locked down with
unix permissions of 600. Therefore, the next command we execute is chmod 600 /tmp/pgpassfile
With the password file written with the correct unix permission we launch the pgAdmin container
entry point by calling /
which on startup will find password file and server
connections that point to the postgres we launched in docker. The net result is that you can
just click around the pgAdmin UI, and you will not have to set up any connections or passwords.
The sample application in this repo includes the automated test shown below.
class DemoApplicationTests {
private QuoteRepository quoteRepository;
@DisplayName("Database has 5 quotes")
void databaseHas5Quotes() {
the src/test/resources/application.yml
config file uses test containers url shown below
url: "jdbc:tc:postgresql:12:///demo1?TC_TMPFS=/testtmpfs:rw"
username: postgres
password: password
Test containers has nice integration with Spring Boot and it uses the specially formatted jdbc
url jdbc:tc:postgresql:12:///demo1?TC_TMPFS=/testtmpfs:rw
to launch the postgres 12 container
create database called demo1 and put the postgres data directory on a temporary in RAM
file system for optimal performance of Postgres while the test is executing. The postgres database
will only exist for the duration of the test case execution there is no point in storing its data
on disk.
Using docker-compose up
to launch a postgres and pgAdmin can simplify local development
environment configuration. Configuring pgAdmin so that it does not ask for passwords,
and connection information requires some tricky shell scripting that was broken down
and explained step by step in this repo.