A Twilight theme for [Console2] (http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/)
The easiest way to install this theme is to edit your console.xml
file found in your Console2 directory.
Open console.xml
in your favorite text editor and erase all of the text between the <color></color>
tags found near the top of the file.
After its been erased paste the following between the <color></color>
<color id="0" r="20" g="20" b="20"/>
<color id="1" r="207" g="106" b="76"/>
<color id="2" r="131" g="144" b="97"/>
<color id="3" r="206" g="168" b="105"/>
<color id="4" r="117" g="135" b="166"/>
<color id="5" r="155" g="133" b="157"/>
<color id="6" r="5" g="166" b="179"/>
<color id="7" r="215" g="215" b="215"/>
<color id="8" r="102" g="102" b="102"/>
<color id="9" r="117" g="135" b="166"/>
<color id="10" r="89" g="164" b="77"/>
<color id="11" r="10" g="230" b="230"/>
<color id="12" r="216" g="10" b="82"/>
<color id="13" r="230" g="0" b="139"/>
<color id="14" r="225" g="238" b="62"/>
<color id="15" r="230" g="230" b="230"/>
My console.xml file is here for reference: [console.xml] (https://github.com/mztriz/Console2-Twilight-Theme/blob/master/console.xml) You probably don't want to just replace yours with mine as it will overwrite all of your other custom settings.
Custom LSCOLORS for cgywin .bashrc
CLICOLOR=1 # Enables color in the terminal bash shell export
LSCOLORS=gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad # Sets up the color scheme for list export
alias ls='ls --color'`
Inconsolata by Raph Levien. http://code.google.com/p/googlefontdirectory/source/browse/inconsolata/