wash_out Public
Forked from inossidabile/wash_outDead simple Rails 4/5 SOAP server library
Ruby Other UpdatedFeb 12, 2018 -
webpack-rails Public
Forked from mipearson/webpack-railsIntegrate webpack with your Ruby on Rails application
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 15, 2017 -
angular-select2 Public
Forked from rubenv/angular-select2Select2 directive for Angular.js
JavaScript UpdatedDec 10, 2014 -
elasticsearch-russian-config Public
Forked from asyncee/elasticsearch-russian-configBasic elasticsearch config with russian language support
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2014 -
AASM - State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, Rails Active Record, Mongoid)
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2014 -
ui-select2 Public
Forked from angular-ui/ui-select2AngularJS wrapper for select2 (deprecated, use angular-ui/ui-select)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 18, 2014 -
Bootstrap-Image-Gallery Public
Forked from blueimp/Bootstrap-Image-GalleryBootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery. It displays images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap …
JavaScript UpdatedSep 14, 2014 -
ScrollToFixed Public
Forked from bigspotteddog/ScrollToFixedThis plugin is used to fix elements on the page (top, bottom, anywhere); however, it still allows the element to continue to move left or right with the horizontal scroll.
HTML MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2014 -
airbrake Public
Forked from airbrake/airbrakeThe official Airbrake library for Ruby on Rails. Links to other Airbrake libraries are in the ReadMe.
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 8, 2014 -
TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin Public
Forked from mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-PluginTouchSwipe is a jquery plugin to be used with jQuery on touch input devices such as iPad, iPhone etc.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 4, 2014 -
pick-a-color Public
Forked from lauren/pick-a-coloran easy-to-use jQuery color picker for Twitter Bootstrap
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2014 -
rails_admin Public
Forked from railsadminteam/rails_adminRailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2014 -
simple_localizer Public
Forked from vad4msiu/simple_localizerSimple localization your ActiveRecord fields without magic
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2014 -
carrierwave-ftp Public
Forked from luan/carrierwave-ftpAllows file upload using FTP for CarrierWave uploaders.
twitter-bootstrap-rails Public
Forked from seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-railsTwitter Bootstrap for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline (Updated to Bootstrap 2)
JavaScript UpdatedJul 19, 2013 -
git-flow-completion Public
Forked from bobthecow/git-flow-completionBash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow.
Shell MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2013 -
wicked_pdf Public
Forked from mileszs/wicked_pdfPDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2013 -
draper Public
Forked from drapergem/draperDecorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 21, 2013 -
usefull_scopes Public
Forked from kaize/usefull_scopesThis gem provides additional scopes for your ActiveRecord models.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 11, 2013 -
ancestry Public
Forked from kaize/ancestryOrganise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 21, 2011