- Added support for working with multiple photos.
- Added support for working with videos as well.
- Added support for input photos automatic alignment and cropping.
- Added support for merging back to destination photo or video after swapping has been performed.
- Added colab notebook.
You can find the colab notebook in this link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1GNPf5_PnX2QZASdg7P3dC76V8UgrVtWJ?usp=sharing
The pretreined weights can be found here, put them in your Drive, make sure the name is checkpoints.zip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z7u38LsVaPV2ew_Ci_YLf48i-_Cge8po/view?usp=sharing
While runing the colab, you will be prompted to connect to your Drive, then the script will download and unzip the file.
In the above Colab, we run the code without arguments, you can add arguments to the code like so:
!python main.py --masking_threshold 60
Here are the supported arguments:
Larger batch sizes can accelerate the training process by processing more samples in parallel but may require more memory.
However, smaller batch sizes can provide more accurate gradient estimates and better generalization but may require more iterations to converge.
Skipping steps in the diffusion process refers to bypassing or not performing certain intermediate steps and directly applying the diffusion operation at a later stage.
This approach is often used to speed up the inference process or reduce computational requirements.
Skipping too many steps may result in a loss of fine-grained details or accuracy, while fewer skipped steps may provide more accurate results but at the cost of increased computation.
DDPM = Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model
DDIM = Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model
DDIM are a more efficient class of iterative implicit probabilistic models with the same training procedure as DDPMs
Default is DDPM add --ddim if you want to use it
Timestep respacing is a technique used in diffusion models to control the density of sampling during the diffusion process.
In diffusion models, the goal is to transform an input distribution to a target distribution through a series of iterative steps.
Timestep respacing refers to adjusting the spacing or density of these steps to achieve specific properties or characteristics in the generated samples.
For more details read https://github.com/openai/guided-diffusion/blob/main/guided_diffusion/respace.py
default=100 (number between 1 and 1000)
Add this argument if you do not want to preserve the destination background
Default is enabled, add --no_enforce_background to disable it
Data augmentation is a common technique used to artificially increase the diversity and size of the training dataset by applying various transformations or modifications to the existing data.
Increasing the number of augmentations can help improve the model's generalization ability by exposing it to a wider range of variations and reducing the risk of overfitting.
Random seed default=404
The GPU ID default=0
The output path, default=output
Folder will be created if doesn't exist
The output result file default=output.png
Increasing the number of iterations allows for more fine-grained transformations and can potentially capture more details in the generated samples.
However, it also increases the computational cost and may require more memory.
Target-preserving blending is to gradually increase the mask intensity from zero to one, according to the time of the diffusion process T.
The masking_threshold argument sets the Target-preserving blending time.
We give identity guidance to prevent loss of source identity in the denoising process.
Input images are aligned and cropped into data/aligned folder, to be processed by the learning models.
If present, the program will only launch the merging process, no cropping or editing will be performed
If present, the program will launc the crop/align and merging processes, no editing will be performed
This licence allows for academic and non-commercial purpose only. The entire project is under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.
This was forked from the original project DiffFace.