This project implements the well known multi GPU Jacobi solver with different multi GPU Programming Models:
Single Threaded using cudaMemcpy for inter GPU communicationmulti_threaded_copy
Multi Threaded with OpenMP using cudaMemcpy for inter GPU communicationmulti_threaded_copy_overlapp
Multi Threaded with OpenMP using cudaMemcpy for itner GPU communication with overlapping communicationmulti_threaded_p2p
Multi Threaded with OpenMP using GPUDirect P2P mappings for inter GPU communicationmulti_threaded_p2p_opt
Multi Threaded with OpenMP using GPUDirect P2P mappings for inter GPU communication with delayed norm executionmulti_threaded_um
Multi Threaded with OpenMP relying on transparent peer mappings with Unified Memory for inter GPU communicationmpi
Multi Process with MPI using CUDA-aware MPI for inter GPU communicationmpi_overlapp
Multi Process with MPI using CUDA-aware MPI for inter GPU communication with overlapping communicationnccl
Multi Process with MPI and NCCL using NCCL for inter GPU communicationnccl_overlapp
Multi Process with MPI and NCCL using NCCL for inter GPU communication with overlapping communicationnvshmem
Multi Process with MPI and NVSHMEM using NVSHMEM for inter GPU communication. Other approach,nvshmem_opt
, might be better for portable performance.nvshmem_opt
Multi Process with MPI and NVSHMEM using NVSHMEM for inter GPU communication with NVSHMEM extension API
Each variant is a stand alone Makefile project and most variants have been discussed in various GTC Talks, e.g.:
on DGX-1V at GTC Europe 2017 in 23031 - Multi GPU Programming Modelssingle_threaded_copy
on DGX-2 at GTC 2019 in S9139 - Multi GPU Programming Models
- CUDA: verison 11.0 (9.2 if build with
) or later is required by all variants. - OpenMP capable compiler: Required by the Multi Threaded variants. The examples have been developed and tested with gcc.
- CUDA-aware MPI: Required by the MPI and NVSHMEM variants. The examples have been developed and tested with OpenMPI.
- NVSHMEM (version 0.4.1 or later): Required by the NVSHMEM variant.
- NCCL (version 2.8 or later): Required by the NCCL variant
Each variant come with a Makefile and can be build by simply issuing make, e.g.
multi-gpu-programming-models$ cd multi_threaded_copy
multi_threaded_copy$ make
nvcc -DHAVE_CUB -Xcompiler -fopenmp -lineinfo -DUSE_NVTX -lnvToolsExt -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode arch=compute_80,code=compute_80 -std=c++14 -o jacobi
multi_threaded_copy$ ls jacobi
All variant have the following command line options
: How many iterations to carry out (default 1000)-nccheck
: How often to check for convergence (default 1)-nx
: Size of the domain in x direction (default 16384)-ny
: Size of the domain in y direction (default 16384)-csv
: Print performance results as -csv
The provided script
contains some examples executing all the benchmarks presented in the GTC 2019 Talk Multi GPU Programming Models.
The code applies the style guide implemented in .clang-format
file. clang-format
version 7 or later should be used to format the code prior to submitting it. E.g. with
multi-gpu-programming-models$ cd multi_threaded_copy
multi_threaded_copy$ clang-format -style=file -i