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More time, more life. Superday tracks your activities, you give the context.

Contributors Guide

This is meant to help new contributors submiting changes to the project.

Getting started


Downloading and starting development for superday is supersimple®:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone it locally
  3. $ cd to location
  4. Run $ pod install to fetch dependencies
  5. Open teferi.xworkspace to start working
  6. There is no step six

Pull Request Etiquette

Make pull requests for specific concerns and use clear titles and descriptions. It is your responsibility to make sure the branch is up to date with master or merges trivially. Feel free to make pull requests for work in progress features to ask for feedback.

Commit Messages

Keep it short. Keep it clear. Separate concerns.

Emoji Styleguide

Consider selecting the appropriate emoji for each of your commits (based on Atom's emoji styleguide).

  • 🐛 :bug: - Bug fixes
  • 📝 :memo: - Adding docs
  • 🔥 :fire: - Removing code
  • 📦 :package: - Adding new pods
  • 💚 :green_heart: - Fixes CI Build
  • 🎨 :art: - Adding UI components
  • :white_check_mark: Adding tests
  • :sparkles: - Adding a new feature
  • 🚧 :construction: - Work in Progress
  • 🐎 :racehorse: Improving performance
  • 🚱 :non-potable_water: Fixing memory leaks
  • 💄 :lipstick: - Cosmetic changes to codestyle
  • 📐 :triangular_ruler: - Pixel perfect changes to UI
  • 🌎 :earth_americas: - Changes to the location tracker
  • 📈 :chart_with_upwards_trend: - General improvements


New mobile app. Teferi would be proud.






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