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Perfkit Benchmarker contains set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings. The benchmarks are not tuned (i.e. use defaults) to reflect what most users will see. PerfKit Benchmarker is licensed under the Apache 2 license terms. Please make sure to read, understand and agree to the terms of the LICENSE and CONTRIBUTING files before pro…


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PerfKit Benchmarker is an open effort to define a canonical set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings. It's designed to operate via vendor provided command line tools. The benchmarks are not tuned (ie the defaults) because this is what most users will use. This should help us drive to great defaults. Only in the rare cause where there is a common practice like setting the buffer pool size of a database do we change any settings.



PerfKitBenchmarker provides wrappers and workload definitions around popular benchmark tools. We made it very simple to use and automate everything we can. It instantiates VMs on the Cloud provider of your choice, automatically installs benchmarks, and run the workloads without user interaction.

Due to the level of automation you will not see prompts for software installed as part of a benchmark run. Therefore you must accept the license of each benchmarks individually, and take responsibility for using them before you use the PerfKitBenchmarker.

In its current release these are the benchmarks that are executed:

Some of the benchmarks invoked require Java. You must also agree with the following license:

CoreMark setup cannot be automated. EEMBC requires users to agree with their terms and conditions, and PerfKit Benchmarker users must manually download the CoreMark tarball from their website and save it under the perfkitbenchmarker/data folder (e.g. ~/PerfKitBenchmarker/perfkitbenchmarker/data/coremark_v1.0.tgz)

SpecCPU2006 benchmark setup cannot be automated. SPEC requires users to purchase a license and agree with their terms and conditions. PerfKit Benchmarker users must manually download SpecCPU2006 tarball from their website and save it under the perfkitbenchmarker/data folder (e.g. ~/PerfKitBenchmarker/perfkitbenchmarker/data/cpu2006v1.2.tgz)

Installing Prerequisites

Before you can run the PerfKit Benchmaker on Cloud providers you need accounts and access:

You also need the software dependencies, which are mostly command line tools and credentials to access your accounts without a password. The following steps should help you get the CLI tool auth in place.

If you are running on Windows, you will need to install GitHub Windows since it includes tools like openssl and an ssh client. Alternatively you can install Cygwin since it should include the same tools.

Install Python 2.7 and pip

If you are running on Windows, get the latest version of Python 2.7 here. This should have pip bundled with it. Make sure your PATH environment variable is set so that you can use both python and pip on the command line (you can have the installer do it for you if you select the correct option).

Most Linux distributions and recent Mac OS X version already have Python 2.7 installed. If Python is not installed, you can likely install it using your distribution's package manager, or see the Python Download page.

If you need to install pip, see these instructions.

(Windows Only) Install GitHub Windows


Make sure that openssl/ssh/scp/ssh-keygen are on your path (you will need to update the PATH environment variable). The path to these commands should be


Install gcloud and setup authentication

Instructions: If you're using OS X or Linux you can run the command below.

When prompted pick the local folder, then Python project, then the defaults for all the rest

$ curl | bash

Restart your shell window (or logout/ssh again if running on a VM)

On Windows, visit the same page and follow the Windows installation instructions on the page.

Set your credentials up: Run the command below. It will print a web page URL. Navigate there, authorize the gcloud instance you just installed to use the services it lists, copy the access token and give it to the shell prompt.

$ gcloud auth login

You will need a project ID before you can run. Please navigate to and create one.

Install OpenStack Nova client and setup authentication

Make sure you have installed pip (see the section above).

Install python-novaclient by following command:

sudo pip install python-novaclient

You must specify authentication information for test execution, including user name (``--openstack_usernameflag orOS_USERNAME` environment variable), tenant name (`--openstack_tenant` flag or `OS_TENANT_NAME` environment variable), and authentication URL (`--openstack_auth_url` flag or `OS_AUTH_URL` environment variable).

The password cannot be set through a flag. You can specify it through the OS_PASSWORD environment variable, or alternatively you can save it in a file and specify the file location with the --openstack_password_file flag or OPENSTACK_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable.

Example using environment variables:

export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_TENANT=myproject
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>

Example using a password file at the default file location:

echo topsecretpassword > ~/.config/openstack-password.txt
./ --cloud=OpenStack --benchmarks=ping

Install AWS CLI and setup authentication

Make sure you have installed pip (see the section above).

Follow instructions at or run the following command (omit the 'sudo' on Windows)

$ sudo pip install awscli

Navigate to the AWS console to create access credentials:

  • On the console click on your name (top left)
  • Click on "Security Credentials"
  • Click on "Access Keys", the create New Access Key. Download the file, it contains the Access key and Secret keys to access services. Note the values and delete the file.

Configure the CLI using the keys from the previous step

$ aws configure

Windows Azure CLI and credentials

You first need to install node.js and NPM. This version of Perfkit Benchmarker is compatible with azure version 0.9.3.

Go here, and follow the setup instructions.

Next, run the following (omit the sudo on Windows):

$ sudo npm install azure-cli -g
$ azure account download

Read the output of the previous command. It will contain a webpage URL. Open that in a browser. It will download a file (.publishsettings) file. Copy to the folder you're running PerfKit Benchmarker. In my case the file was called Free Trial-7-18-2014-credentials.publishsettings

$ azure account import [path to .publishsettings file]

Test that azure is installed correctly

$ azure vm list

DigitalOcean configuration and credentials

PerfKitBenchmarker uses the curl tool to interact with DigitalOcean's REST API. This API uses oauth for authentication. Please set this up as follows:

Log in to your DigitalOcean account and create a Personal Access Token for use by PerfKitBenchmarker with read/write access in Settings / API:

Save a copy of the authentication token it shows, this is a 64-character hex string.

Create a curl configuration file containing the needed authorization header. The double quotes are required. Example:

$ cat > ~/.config/digitalocean-oauth.curl
header = "Authorization: Bearer 9876543210fedc...ba98765432"

Confirm that the authentication works:

$ curl --config ~/.config/digitalocean-oauth.curl

PerfKitBenchmarker uses the file location ~/.config/digitalocean-oauth.curl by default, you can use the --digitalocean_curl_config flag to override the path.

Installing CLIs and credentials for Rackspace

In order to interact with the Rackspace Public Cloud, PerfKitBenchmarker makes use of the Nova, and the Neutron CLI clients with the Rackspace extensions.

To run PerfKitBenchmarker against Rackspace is very easy. First, install the CLI clients as follows:

pip install -U rackspace-neutronclient
pip install -U rackspace-novaclient

Once these are installed, all we need to do is to set 3 environment variables,

export OS_USERNAME=<your_rackspace_username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<your_rackspace_API_key>
export OS_TENANT_NAME=<your_rackspace_account_number>

For a Rackspace UK Public Cloud account, an extra environment variable has to be set, please remember that only the LON region is available under a Rackspace UK Public Cloud account.

export OS_AUTH_URL=

export OS_USERNAME=<your_rackspace_uk_username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<your_rackspace_uk_API_key>
export OS_TENANT_NAME=<your_rackspace_uk_account_number>

Tip: Put these variables in a file, and simple source them to your shell with source <filename>

Note: Not all flavors are supported on every region. Always check first if the flavor is supported in the region.

Create and Configure a .boto file for object storage benchmarks

In order to run object storage benchmark tests, you need to have a properly configured ~/.boto file.

Here is how:

  • Create the ~/.boto file (If you already have ~/.boto, you can skip this step. Consider making a backup copy of your existing .boto file.)

To create a new ~/.boto file, issue the following command and follow the instructions given by this command:

$ gsutil config

As a result, a .boto file is created under your home directory.

  • Open the .boto file and edit the following fields:
  1. In the [Credentials] section:

gs_oauth2_refresh_token: set it to be the same as the refresh_token field in your gcloud credential file (~/.config/gcloud/credentials), which was setup as part of the gcloud auth login step.

aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key: set these to be the AWS access keys you intend to use for these tests, or you can use the same keys as those in your existing AWS credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).

  1. In the [GSUtil] section:

default_project_id: if it is not already set, set it to be the google cloud storage project ID you intend to use for this test. (If you used gsutil config to generate the .boto file, you should have been prompted to supply this information at this step).

  1. In the [OAuth2] section: client_id, client_secret: set these to be the same as those in your gcloud credentials file (~/.config/gcloud/credentials), which was setup as part of the 'gcloud auth login' step.

Install PerfKit

Download PerfKitBenchmarker from GitHub.

Install PerfKit Benchmakrer dependencies

$ cd /path/to/PerfKitBenchmarker
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


PerfKitBenchmarks can run benchmarks both on Cloud Providers (GCP, AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean) as well as any "machine" you can SSH into.

Example run on GCP

$ ./ --project=<GCP project ID> --benchmarks=iperf --machine_type=f1-micro

Example run on AWS

$ cd PerfKitBenchmarker
$ ./ --cloud=AWS --benchmarks=iperf --machine_type=t1.micro

Example run on Azure

$ ./ --cloud=Azure --machine_type=ExtraSmall --benchmarks=iperf

Example run on DigitalOcean

$ ./ --cloud=DigitalOcean --machine_type=16gb --benchmarks=iperf

Example run on OpenStack

$ ./ --cloud=OpenStack --benchmarks=iperf --os_auth_url=http://localhost:5000/v2.0/

Example run on Rackspace

$ ./ --cloud=Rackspace --machine_type=general1-2 --benchmarks=iperf


You must be running on a Windows machine in order to run Windows benchmarks. Install all dependencies as above and set TrustedHosts to accept all hosts so that you can open PowerShell sessions with the VMs (both machines having each other in their TrustedHosts list is neccessary, but not sufficient to issue remote commands; valid credentials are still required):

set-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value *

Now you can run Windows benchmarks by running with --os_type=windows. Windows has a different set of benchmarks than Linux does. They can be found under perfkitbenchmarker/windows_benchmarks/. The target VM OS is Windows Server 2012 R2.


Run without the --benchmarks parameter and every benchmark in the standard set will run serially which can take a couple of hours (alternatively run with --benchmarks="standard_set"). Additionally if you dont specify --cloud=... all benchmarks will run on the Google Cloud Platform.


Named sets are are grouping of one or more benchmarks in the benchmarking directory. This feature allows parallel innovation of what is important to measure in the Cloud, and is defined by the set owner. For example the GoogleSet is maintained by Google, whereas the StanfordSet is managed by Stanford. Once a quarter a meeting is held to review all the sets to determine what benchmarks should be promoted to the standard_set. The Standard Set is also reviewed to see if anything should be removed. To run all benchmarks in a named set, specify the set name in the benchmarks parameter (e.g. --benchmarks="standard_set"). Sets can be combined with individual benchmarks or other named sets.


The following are some common flags used when configuring PerfKitBenchmaker.

Flag Notes
--help see all flags
--cloud Cloud where the bechmarks are run. See the table below for choices.
--zone This flag allows you to override the default zone. See the table below.
--benchmarks A comma separated list of benchmarks or benchmark sets to run such as --benchmarks=iperf,ping . To see the full list, run ./ --help

The default cloud is 'GCP', override with the --cloud flag. Each cloud has a default zone which you can override with the --zone flag, the flag supports the same values that the corresponding Cloud CLIs take:

Cloud name Default zone Notes
GCP us-central1-a
AWS us-east-1a
Azure East US
DigitalOcean sfo1 You must use a zone that supports the features 'metadata' (for cloud config) and 'private_networking'.
OpenStack nova
Rackspace IAD OnMetal machine-types are available only in IAD zone


./ --cloud=GCP --zone=us-central1-a --benchmarks=iperf,ping

Proxy configuration for VM guests.

If the VM guests do not have direct Internet access in the cloud environment, you can configure proxy settings through flags.

To do that simple setup three flags (All urls are in notation ): The flag values use the same <protocol>://<server>:<port> syntax as the corresponding environment variables, for example --http_proxy= .

Flag Notes
--http_proxy Needed for package manager on Guest OS and for some Perfkit packages
--https_proxy Needed for package manager or Ubuntu guest and for from github downloaded packages
--ftp_proxy Needed for some Perfkit packages


It is possible to run PerfKitBenchmarker without running the Cloud provioning steps. This is useful if you want to run on a local machine, or have a benchmark like iperf run from an external point to a Cloud VM.

In order to do this you need to make sure:

  • The static (ie not provisioned by PerfKitBenchmarker) machine is ssh'able
  • The user PerfKitBenchmarker will login as has 'sudo' access. (*** Note we hope to remove this restriction soon ***)

Next you will want to create a JSON file describing how to connect to the machine as follows:

 {"ip_address": "",
  "user_name": "voellm",
  "keyfile_path": "/home/voellm/perfkitkeys/my_key_file.pem",
  "scratch_disk_mountpoints": ["/scratch-disk"],
  "zone": "Siberia"}
  • The ip_address is the address where you want benchmarks to run.
  • keyfile_file is where to find the private ssh key.
  • zone can be anything you want. It is used when publishing results.
  • scratch_disk_mountpoints is used by all benchmarks which use disk (i.e., fio, bonnie++, many others).

I called my file Siberia.json and used it to run iperf from Siberia to a GCP VM in us-central1-f as follows:

./ --benchmarks=iperf --machine_type=f1-micro --static_vm_file=Siberia.json --zone=us-central1-f --ip_addresses=EXTERNAL
  • ip_addresses=EXTERNAL tells PerfKitBechmarker not to use 10.X (ie Internal) machine addresses that all Cloud VMs have. Just use the external IP address.

If a benchmark requires two machines like iperf you can have two both machines into the same json file as shown below. This means you can indeed run between two machines and never provision any VM's in the Cloud.

    "ip_address": "<ip1>",
    "user_name": "connormccoy",
    "keyfile_path": "/home/connormccoy/.ssh/google_compute_engine",
    "internal_ip": "",
    "install_packages", false
    "ip_address": "<ip2>",
    "user_name": "connormccoy",
    "keyfile_path": "/home/connormccoy/.ssh/google_compute_engine",
    "scratch_disk_mountpoints": ["/tmp/google-pkb"],
    "internal_ip": "",
    "ssh_port": 2222

HOW TO EXTEND PerfKitBenchmarker

First start with the [] ( file. It has the basics on how to work with PerfKitBenchmarker, and how to submit your pull requests.

In addition to the [] ( file we have added a lot of comments into the code to make it easy to;

  • Add new benchmarks (eg: --benchmarks=)
  • Add new package/os type support (eg: --os_type=)
  • Add new providers (eg: --cloud=)
  • etc...

Even with lots of comments we make to support more detailed documention. You will find the documatation we have on the [Wiki pages] ( Missing documentation you want? Start a page and/or open an [issue] ( to get it added.


Many... please add new requests via GitHub issues.


Perfkit Benchmarker contains set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings. The benchmarks are not tuned (i.e. use defaults) to reflect what most users will see. PerfKit Benchmarker is licensed under the Apache 2 license terms. Please make sure to read, understand and agree to the terms of the LICENSE and CONTRIBUTING files before pro…







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  • Python 97.3%
  • Shell 2.7%