The funny name for this library comes from the phonetic word-trick which emerges from prefix of words ´´kinematics" and ´´dynamics". In fact, this is a robotics library made using trustworthy literature on Robotics during the course "Multibody dynamics and its applications in Robotics and automobile Engineering". However, it is a WIP, though already advanced. Hence, contributions are welcome. In case you are interested on contributing with a comment, issue or pull request, report on the issue tab or make a pull request.
In case you are interested on a more mature material, take a look at :)
If the reader is already familiar with github, skip the next steps. To clone this repository, type the following commands on linux:
mkdir ~/github
cd ~/github
git clone [email protected]:brunolnetto/quindim.git
Most likely, the reader may use Windows. For such, the author recommends either the Git bash or Tortoise Git as source management software. Git bash is a terminal and the copy-paste of above commands works the same manner as for linux terminal. Typically the home path given by tilde '~' lays on $PROGRAM_FILES/Users
There are two utilitaries for the current library, which are not on it to avoid a greater library than it is already. Follow the instructions below:
Clone the repositories below in the same manner as in the "Introduction" section:
Add the repositories to MATLAB path as on "Installation" section.
If you wish to use it, follow the instructions:
- Open Matlab up to the version 2017x, x = a, b;
- Change directory with
cd ~/quindim/
; - Type "loadlibs.m", without quotes.
Go to folder $QUINDIM_PATH/examples
, choose one of them, open the folder code
and run main
command on MATLAB terminal line.
It is still small, but take a look at wiki:
- Alberto Isidori. 1995. Nonlinear Control Systems (3rd ed.). M. Thoma, E. D. Sontag, B. W. Dickinson, A. Fettweis, J. L. Massey, and J. W. Modestino (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- A Jazar, Reza N; T Vehicle dynamics: theory and application; D 2017; I Springer;
- Baruh, Haim. Analytical dynamics. Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
- Bloch, A. M. (2003). Nonholonomic mechanics. In Nonholonomic mechanics and control (pp. 207-276). Springer, New York, NY.
- John J. Craig. 1989. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.;
- Slotine, J. J.; LI, W.; "Applied nonlinear control", Prentice Hall, 1st Ed., 1991.