ππ€ Simple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration
A Rails, iOS, and (upcoming) Android app to track my daily habits like exercise, medication, food, and water.
30 simple hotwire tips in 30 days
Glimmer DSL for LibUI - Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Library - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - If You Liked Shoes, You'll Love Glimmer! - No need to pre-β¦
Just the right amount of Rails eager loading
A collection of branches that transmit HTML over the wire.
π Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
A step-by-step guide on how to build your own authentication system in Rails from scratch.
Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.
A collection of composable behaviors for your Stimulus Controllers
Bundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with esbuild, rollup.js, bun, or Webpack.
π Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
Make ActiveRecord do conditions on your associations
A wonderfully simple calendar gem for Rails
A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time
rails / conductor
Forked from NewRosies/conductorConductor is a Rails engine that lets you do through a web UI what you'd normally do with the rails shell command.
Deploy Rails apps to AWS as easily as with Heroku, but retain the ability to manage your own infrastructure
Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Full-Featured ElasticSearch Ruby Client with a Chainable DSL
π A Ruby gem and unofficial documentation of Tesla's JSON API for the Model S, 3, X, and Y.