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Use same format in IDE mode for hole types as REPL
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david-christiansen authored Dec 29, 2016
2 parents eb94a03 + a573876 commit 6cb5714
Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 9 deletions.
27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions src/Idris/REPL.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -396,10 +396,15 @@ runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.SetOpt IdeMode.ErrContext b) =
runIO . hPutStrLn h $ IdeMode.convSExp "return" msg id
runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.Metavariables cols) =
do ist <- getIState
let mvs = reverse $ map fst (idris_metavars ist) \\ primDefs
let mvs = reverse $ [ (n, i)
| (n, (_, i, _, _, _)) <- idris_metavars ist
, not (n `elem` primDefs)
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
-- splitMvs is a list of pairs of names and their split types
let splitMvs = mapSnd (splitPi ist) (mvTys ist mvs)
let splitMvs = [ (n, (premises, concl, tm))
| (n, i, ty) <- mvTys ist mvs
, let (premises, concl, tm) = splitPi ist i ty]
-- mvOutput is the pretty-printed version ready for conversion to SExpr
let mvOutput = map (\(n, (hs, c)) -> (n, hs, c)) $
mapPair show
Expand All @@ -413,20 +418,24 @@ runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.Metavariables cols) =
runIO . hPutStrLn h $
IdeMode.convSExp "return" (IdeMode.SymbolAtom "ok", mvOutput) id
where mapPair f g xs = zip (map (f . fst) xs) (map (g . snd) xs)
mapSnd f xs = zip (map fst xs) (map (f . snd) xs)
firstOfThree (x, y, z) = x
mapThird f xs = map (\(x, y, z) -> (x, y, f z)) xs

-- | Split a function type into a pair of premises, conclusion.
-- Each maintains both the original and delaborated versions.
splitPi :: IState -> Type -> ([(Name, Type, PTerm)], Type, PTerm)
splitPi ist (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) rest) =
let (hs, c, pc) = splitPi ist rest in
splitPi :: IState -> Int -> Type -> ([(Name, Type, PTerm)], Type, PTerm)
splitPi ist i (Bind n (Pi _ _ t _) rest) | i > 0 =
let (hs, c, pc) = splitPi ist (i - 1) rest in
((n, t, delabTy' ist [] t False False True):hs,
c, delabTy' ist [] c False False True)
splitPi ist tm = ([], tm, delabTy' ist [] tm False False True)
splitPi ist i tm = ([], tm, delabTy' ist [] tm False False True)

-- | Get the types of a list of metavariable names
mvTys :: IState -> [Name] -> [(Name, Type)]
mvTys ist = mapSnd vToP . mapMaybe (flip lookupTyNameExact (tt_ctxt ist))
mvTys :: IState -> [(Name, Int)] -> [(Name, Int, Type)]
mvTys ist mvs = [ (n, i, ty)
| (n, i) <- mvs
, ty <- maybeToList (fmap (vToP . snd) (lookupTyNameExact n (tt_ctxt ist)))

-- | Show a type and its corresponding PTerm in a format suitable
-- for the IDE - that is, pretty-printed and annotated.
Expand Down

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