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Add linear Lam
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Get linearity status of 'Lam' from the function type - there's currently
no explicit syntax for it.
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edwinb committed Dec 18, 2016
1 parent 1e3651f commit a5033e7
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Showing 21 changed files with 82 additions and 77 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/IRTS/Compiler.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ irTerm top vs env (V i)
| i >= 0 && i < length env = return $ LV (Glob (env!!i))
| otherwise = ifail $ "bad de bruijn index: " ++ show i

irTerm top vs env (Bind n (Lam _) sc) = LLam [n'] <$> irTerm top vs (n':env) sc
irTerm top vs env (Bind n (Lam _ _) sc) = LLam [n'] <$> irTerm top vs (n':env) sc
n' = uniqueName n env

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Idris/AbsSyntaxTree.hs
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Expand Up @@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ getInferTerm (App _ (App _ _ _) tm) = tm
getInferTerm tm = tm -- error ("getInferTerm " ++ show tm)

getInferType (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (toTy b) $ getInferType sc
where toTy (Lam t) = Pi RigW Nothing t (TType (UVar [] 0))
where toTy (Lam r t) = Pi r Nothing t (TType (UVar [] 0))
toTy (PVar _ t) = PVTy t
toTy b = b
getInferType (App _ (App _ _ ty) _) = ty
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Idris/Apropos.hs
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ instance Apropos Def where
isApropos str (CaseOp _ ty ty' _ _ _) = isApropos str ty

instance Apropos (Binder (TT Name)) where
isApropos str (Lam ty) = str == T.pack "\\" || isApropos str ty
isApropos str (Lam _ ty) = str == T.pack "\\" || isApropos str ty
isApropos str (Pi _ _ ty _) = str == T.pack "->" || isApropos str ty
isApropos str (Let ty val) = str == T.pack "let" || isApropos str ty || isApropos str val
isApropos str (NLet ty val) = str == T.pack "let" || isApropos str ty || isApropos str val
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/Idris/Core/Binary.hs
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Expand Up @@ -515,8 +515,9 @@ instance Binary ImplicitInfo where
instance (Binary b) => Binary (Binder b) where
put x
= case x of
Lam x1 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
Lam x1 x2 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
Pi x1 x2 x3 x4 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -546,7 +547,8 @@ instance (Binary b) => Binary (Binder b) where
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
return (Lam x1)
x2 <- get
return (Lam x1 x2)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Idris/Core/CaseTree.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ prune proj (Case up n alts) = case alts' of
prune _ t = t

stripLambdas :: CaseDef -> CaseDef
stripLambdas (CaseDef ns (STerm (Bind x (Lam _) sc)) tm)
stripLambdas (CaseDef ns (STerm (Bind x (Lam _ _) sc)) tm)
= stripLambdas (CaseDef (ns ++ [x]) (STerm (instantiate (P Bound x Erased) sc)) tm)
stripLambdas x = x

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Idris/Core/Evaluate.hs
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Expand Up @@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ eval traceon ctxt ntimes genv tm opts = ev ntimes [] True [] tm where
= reapply ntimes stk top env f (a : args)
reapply ntimes stk top env v args = return v

apply ntimes stk top env (VBind True n (Lam t) sc) (a:as)
apply ntimes stk top env (VBind True n (Lam _ t) sc) (a:as)
= do a' <- sc a
app <- apply ntimes stk top env a' as
wknV 1 app
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -636,13 +636,13 @@ convEq ctxt holes topx topy = ceq [] topx topy where
| x `elem` holes || y `elem` holes = return True
| x == y || (x, y) `elem` ps || (y,x) `elem` ps = return True
| otherwise = sameDefs ps x y
ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ y (V 0)))
ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam _ t) (App _ y (V 0)))
= ceq ps x (substV (P Bound n t) y)
ceq ps (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ x (V 0))) y
ceq ps (Bind n (Lam _ t) (App _ x (V 0))) y
= ceq ps (substV (P Bound n t) x) y
ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ y (P Bound n' _)))
ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam _ t) (App _ y (P Bound n' _)))
| n == n' = ceq ps x y
ceq ps (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ x (P Bound n' _))) y
ceq ps (Bind n (Lam _ t) (App _ x (P Bound n' _))) y
| n == n' = ceq ps x y

ceq ps (Bind n (PVar _ t) sc) y = ceq ps sc y
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Idris/Core/Execute.hs
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ toTT (EBind n b body) = do n' <- newN n
body' <- body $ EP Bound n' EErased
b' <- fixBinder b
Bind n' b' <$> toTT body'
where fixBinder (Lam t) = Lam <$> toTT t
where fixBinder (Lam rig t) = Lam rig <$> toTT t
fixBinder (Pi rig i t k) = Pi rig i <$> toTT t <*> toTT k
fixBinder (Let t1 t2) = Let <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2
fixBinder (NLet t1 t2) = NLet <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/Idris/Core/ProofState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -657,12 +657,12 @@ introTy ty mn ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
(tyv, tyt) <- lift $ check ctxt env ty
-- ns <- lift $ unify ctxt env tyv t'
case t' of
Bind y (Pi _ _ s _) t -> let t' = updsubst y (P Bound n s) t in
do ns <- unify' ctxt env (s, Nothing) (tyv, Nothing)
ps <- get
let (uh, uns) = unified ps
-- put (ps { unified = (uh, uns ++ ns) })
return $ Bind n (Lam tyv) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
Bind y (Pi rig _ s _) t -> let t' = updsubst y (P Bound n s) t in
do ns <- unify' ctxt env (s, Nothing) (tyv, Nothing)
ps <- get
let (uh, uns) = unified ps
-- put (ps { unified = (uh, uns ++ ns) })
return $ Bind n (Lam rig tyv) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
_ -> lift $ tfail $ CantIntroduce t'
introTy ty n ctxt env _ = fail "Can't introduce here."

Expand All @@ -672,15 +672,15 @@ intro mn ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
x@(Bind y (Pi _ _ s _) _) -> x
_ -> normalise ctxt env t
case t' of
Bind y (Pi _ _ s _) t ->
Bind y (Pi rig _ s _) t ->
let n = case mn of
Just name -> name
Nothing -> y
-- It's important that this be subst and not updsubst,
-- because we want to substitute even in portions of
-- terms that we know do not contain holes.
t' = subst y (P Bound n s) t
in return $ Bind n (Lam s) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
in return $ Bind n (Lam rig s) (Bind x (Hole t') (P Bound x t'))
_ -> lift $ tfail $ CantIntroduce t'
intro n ctxt env _ = fail "Can't introduce here."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ rewrite tm ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) xp@(P _ x' _)) | x == x' =
let tmt' = normalise ctxt env tmt
case unApply tmt' of
(P _ (UN q) _, [lt,rt,l,r]) | q == txt "=" ->
do let p = Bind rname (Lam lt) (mkP (P Bound rname lt) r l t)
do let p = Bind rname (Lam RigW lt) (mkP (P Bound rname lt) r l t)
let newt = mkP l r l t
let sc = forget $ (Bind x (Hole newt)
(mkApp (P Ref (sUN "replace") (TType (UVal 0)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ casetac tm induction ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' = do
Var nm -> uniqueNameCtxt ctxt nm currentNames
_ -> uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (sMN 0 "iv") currentNames
let tmvar = P Bound tmnm tmt'
prop <- replaceIndicies indxnames indicies $ Bind tmnm (Lam tmt') (mkP tmvar tmv tmvar t)
prop <- replaceIndicies indxnames indicies $ Bind tmnm (Lam RigW tmt') (mkP tmvar tmv tmvar t)
consargs' <- query (\ps -> map (flip (uniqueNameCtxt (context ps)) (holes ps ++ allTTNames (getProofTerm (pterm ps))) *** uniqueBindersCtxt (context ps) (holes ps ++ allTTNames (getProofTerm (pterm ps)))) consargs)
let res = flip (foldr substV) params $ (substV prop $ bindConsArgs consargs' (mkApp (P Ref (SN (tacn tnm)) (TType (UVal 0)))
(params ++ [prop] ++ map makeConsArg consargs' ++ indicies ++ [tmv])))
Expand All @@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ casetac tm induction ctxt env (Bind x (Hole t) (P _ x' _)) | x == x' = do
makeIndexNames = foldr (\_ nms -> (uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (sMN 0 "idx") nms):nms) []
replaceIndicies idnms idxs prop = foldM (\t (idnm, idx) -> do (idxv, idxt) <- lift $ check ctxt env (forget idx)
let var = P Bound idnm idxt
return $ Bind idnm (Lam idxt) (mkP var idxv var t)) prop $ zip idnms idxs
return $ Bind idnm (Lam RigW idxt) (mkP var idxv var t)) prop $ zip idnms idxs
casetac tm induction ctxt env _ = fail $ "Can't do " ++ (if induction then "induction" else "case analysis") ++ " here"

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20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions src/Idris/Core/TT.hs
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Expand Up @@ -853,7 +853,8 @@ deriving instance Binary ImplicitInfo
-- | All binding forms are represented in a uniform fashion. This type only represents
-- the types of bindings (and their values, if any); the attached identifiers are part
-- of the 'Bind' constructor for the 'TT' type.
data Binder b = Lam { binderTy :: !b {-^ type annotation for bound variable-}}
data Binder b = Lam { binderCount :: RigCount,
binderTy :: !b {-^ type annotation for bound variable-}}
-- ^ A function binding
| Pi { binderCount :: RigCount,
binderImpl :: Maybe ImplicitInfo,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,7 +901,7 @@ deriving instance Binary Binder

instance Sized a => Sized (Binder a) where
size (Lam ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Lam _ ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Pi _ _ ty _) = 1 + size ty
size (Let ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (NLet ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
Expand All @@ -914,8 +915,8 @@ fmapMB :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Binder a -> m (Binder b)
fmapMB f (Let t v) = liftM2 Let (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (NLet t v) = liftM2 NLet (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Guess t v) = liftM2 Guess (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Lam t) = liftM Lam (f t)
fmapMB f (Pi c i t k) = liftM2 (Pi c i) (f t) (f k)
fmapMB f (Lam c t) = liftM (Lam c) (f t)
fmapMB f (Pi c i t k) = liftM2 (Pi c i) (f t) (f k)
fmapMB f (Hole t) = liftM Hole (f t)
fmapMB f (GHole i ns t) = liftM (GHole i ns) (f t)
fmapMB f (PVar c t) = liftM (PVar c) (f t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1632,7 +1633,7 @@ prettyEnv env t = prettyEnv' env t False
prettySe p env (UType u) debug = text (show u)

-- Render a `Binder` and its name
prettySb env n (Lam t) = prettyB env "λ" "=>" n t
prettySb env n (Lam _ t) = prettyB env "λ" "=>" n t
prettySb env n (Hole t) = prettyB env "?defer" "." n t
prettySb env n (GHole _ _ t) = prettyB env "?gdefer" "." n t
prettySb env n (Pi Rig0 _ t _) = prettyB env "(" ") ->" n t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1682,7 +1683,8 @@ showEnv' env t dbg = se 10 env t where
se p env (TType i) = "Type " ++ show i
se p env (UType u) = show u

sb env n (Lam t) = showb env "\\ " " => " n t
sb env n (Lam Rig1 t) = showb env "\\ 1 " " => " n t
sb env n (Lam _ t) = showb env "\\ " " => " n t
sb env n (Hole t) = showb env "? " ". " n t
sb env n (GHole i ns t) = showb env "?defer " ". " n t
sb env n (Pi Rig1 (Just _) t _) = showb env "{" "} -o " n t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1795,7 +1797,7 @@ pprintTT bound tm = pp startPrec bound tm
text "Type"
pp p bound (UType u) = text (show u)

ppb p bound n (Lam ty) sc =
ppb p bound n (Lam rig ty) sc =
bracket p startPrec . group . align . hang 2 $
text "λ" <+> bindingOf n False <+> text "." <> line <> sc
ppb p bound n (Pi rig _ ty k) sc =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1884,8 +1886,8 @@ pprintRaw bound (RBind n b body) =
, ppb b
, pprintRaw (n:bound) body]
ppb (Lam ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "Lam" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
ppb (Lam _ ty) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
text "Lam" <$> pprintRaw bound ty
ppb (Pi _ _ ty k) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
vsep [text "Pi", pprintRaw bound ty, pprintRaw bound k]
ppb (Let ty v) = enclose lparen rparen . group . align . hang 2 $
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/Idris/Core/Typecheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ check' holes tcns ctxt env top
where mkUniquePi kv (Bind n (Pi rig i s k) sc)
= let k' = smaller kv k in
Bind n (Pi rig i s k') (mkUniquePi k' sc)
mkUniquePi kv (Bind n (Lam t) sc)
= Bind n (Lam (mkUniquePi kv t)) (mkUniquePi kv sc)
mkUniquePi kv (Bind n (Lam rig t) sc)
= Bind n (Lam rig (mkUniquePi kv t)) (mkUniquePi kv sc)
mkUniquePi kv (Bind n (Let t v) sc)
= Bind n (Let (mkUniquePi kv t) v) (mkUniquePi kv sc)
mkUniquePi kv t = t
Expand All @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ check' holes tcns ctxt env top
discharge n b' bt' (pToV n scv) (pToV n sct) (bns ++ scns)
where getCount (Pi rig _ _ _) = rigMult rigc rig
getCount (PVar rig _) = rigMult rigc rig
getCount (Lam rig _) = rigMult rigc rig
getCount _ = rigMult rigc RigW

checkUsageOK Rig0 _ = return ()
Expand All @@ -255,11 +256,11 @@ check' holes tcns ctxt env top
else lift $ tfail $ Msg $ "There are " ++ (show used) ++
" uses of linear name " ++ show n

checkBinder (Lam t)
checkBinder (Lam rig t)
= do (tv, tt, _) <- chk Rig0 u Nothing (envZero env) t
let tv' = normalise ctxt env tv
convType tcns ctxt env tt
return (Lam tv, tt, [])
return (Lam rig tv, tt, [])
checkBinder (Let t v)
= do (tv, tt, _) <- chk Rig0 u Nothing (envZero env) t
-- May have multiple uses, check at RigW.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,8 +311,8 @@ check' holes tcns ctxt env top
convType tcns ctxt env tt
return (PVTy tv, tt, [])

discharge n (Lam t) bt scv sct ns
= return (Bind n (Lam t) scv, Bind n (Pi RigW Nothing t bt) sct, ns)
discharge n (Lam r t) bt scv sct ns
= return (Bind n (Lam r t) scv, Bind n (Pi r Nothing t bt) sct, ns)
discharge n (Pi r i t k) bt scv sct ns
= return (Bind n (Pi r i t k) scv, sct, ns)
discharge n (Let t v) bt scv sct ns
Expand Down

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