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AVallecillo committed Jul 30, 2023
1 parent 8c98e6b commit cbfc3ca
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 13 deletions.
28 changes: 15 additions & 13 deletions uDataTypes/Libraries/python/
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@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
# uTypes Uncertainty Python Library

``uTypes`` is a Python library that supports a set of uncertain primitive datatypes in Python, including [``ubool``](, [``sbool``](, [``uint``](, [``ufloat``](, [``uenum``]( and [``ustr``]( They extend their corresponding Python types (``bool``, ``int``, ``float``, ``enum`` and ``str``) with uncertainty. The ``uTypes`` library implements linear error propagation theory in Python.
``uTypes`` is a Python library that supports uncertain primitive datatypes, including [``ubool``](, [``sbool``](, [``uint``](, [``ufloat``](, [``uenum``]( and [``ustr``]( They extend their corresponding Python types (``bool``, ``int``, ``float``, ``enum`` and ``str``) with uncertainty. The ``uTypes`` library implements linear error propagation theory in Python.

Uncertain numerical values, [``ufloat``]( and [``uint``](, are represented by pairs ``(x,u)`` where ``x`` is the numerical (nominal) value and ``u`` is its associated uncertainty. For example, ``ufloat(3.5,0.1)`` represents the uncertain real number 3.5 $\pm$ 0.1, and ``uint(30,1)`` represents the uncertain integer 30 $\pm$ 1.
Uncertain numerical values, [``ufloat``]( and [``uint``](, are represented by pairs ``(x,u)`` where ``x`` is the numerical (nominal) value and ``u`` is its associated uncertainty. For example, ``ufloat(3.5, 0.1)`` represents the uncertain real number 3.5 $\pm$ 0.1, and ``uint(30, 1)`` represents the uncertain integer 30 $\pm$ 1.

This representation of uncertainty for numerical values follows the "ISO Guide to Measurement Uncertainty" ([JCMG 100:2008](, where values are represented by the mean and standard deviation of the assumed probability density function representing how measurements of ground truth values are distributed. For example, if we assume that the values of a variable $X$ follow a normal distribution $N(x, \sigma)$, then we set $u = \sigma$. If we can only assume a uniform or rectangular distribution of the possible values of $X$, then the nominal value $x$ is taken as the midpoint of the interval, $x = (a + b)/2$, and its associated standard deviation as $u = (b - a)/(2 * \sqrt{3})$.

Type [``ubool``]( extends type ``bool`` by using propabilities instead of the traditional logical truth values (``True``, ``False``), and by replacing truth tables by probability expressions. Thus, an [``ubool``]( value is expressed by a probability representing the degree of belief (i.e., the *confidence*) that a given statement is true. For example, ``ubool(0.7)`` means that there is a 70% chance of an event occurring. Python ``bool`` values ``True`` and ``False`` correspond to ``ubool(1.0)`` and ``ubool(0.0)``, respectively. ``ubool`` values can be used instead of ``bool`` values, by *projecting* the probability using a [``certainty`` threshold](
Type [``ubool``]( extends type ``bool`` by using propabilities instead of the traditional logical truth values (``True``, ``False``), and by replacing truth tables with probability expressions. Thus, an [``ubool``]( value is expressed by a probability representing the degree of belief (i.e., the *confidence*) that a given statement is true. For example, ``ubool(0.7)`` means that there is a 70% chance of an event occurring. Python ``bool`` values ``True`` and ``False`` correspond to ``ubool(1.0)`` and ``ubool(0.0)``, respectively. ``ubool`` values can be used instead of ``bool`` values, by *projecting* the probability using a [``certainty`` threshold](

Type [``sbool``]( provides an extension of [``ubool``]( to represent binomial *opinions* in [Subjective Logic]( They allow expressing degrees of belief with epistemic uncertainty, and also trust. A binomial opinion about a given fact X by a belief agent A is represented as a quadruple ``sbool(b,d,u,a)`` where
Type [``sbool``]( provides an extension of [``ubool``]( to represent binomial *opinions* in [Subjective Logic]( They allow expressing degrees of belief with epistemic uncertainty, and also trust.

A binomial opinion $w_X^A=(b,d,u,a)$ about a given fact $X$ by a belief agent $A$ is represented as a quadruple ``sbool(b,d,u,a)`` where

- ``b`` is the degree of belief that X is True
- ``d`` is the degree of belief that X is False
- ``u`` is the amount of uncommitted belief, also interpreted as epistemic uncertainty.
- ``a`` is the prior probability in the absence of belief or disbelief.

These values are all real numbers in the range [0,1] and satisfy that *b+d+u=1*. The "*projected*" probability of a binomial opinion is defined as *P=b+au*.
These values are all real numbers in the range [0,1], and satisfy that ``b+d+u=1``. The "*projected*" probability of a binomial opinion is defined as ``P=b+au``.

Type [``ustr``]( can be used to represent Python strings with uncertainty. I.e., type [``ustr``]( extends type ``str``, adding to their values a degree of confidence on the contents of the string. This is useful, for example, when rendering strings obtained by inaccurate OCR devices or texts translated from other languages if there are doubts about specific words or phrases. Therefore, values of type [``ustr``]( are
pairs ``(s,c)``, where ``s`` is the nominal string and ``c`` the associated confidence (a real number between 0 and 1). To calculate the confidence of a string ``s``, the [Levenshtein distance]( is normally used. For example, ``ustr('hell0 world!',0.92)`` means that we do not trust at most one of the 12 characters of the string. Values of Python type ``str`` are embedded into [``ustr``]( values as ``ustr(s,1.0)``.
pairs ``(s, c)``, where ``s`` is the nominal string and ``c`` the associated confidence (a real number between 0 and 1). To calculate the confidence of a string ``s``, the [Levenshtein distance]( is normally used. For example, ``ustr('hell0 world!', 0.92)`` means that we do not trust at most one of the 12 characters of the string. Values of Python type ``str`` are embedded into [``ustr``]( values as ``ustr(s, 1.0)``.

Finally, type [``uenum``]( is the embedding supertype for Python type ``enum`` that adds uncertainty to each of its values. A value of an
Expand All @@ -33,27 +35,27 @@ All related operations and Mathematical functions on these datatypes are support
The ``uTypes`` library provides a simple implementation of uncertainty for Python primitive datatypes, and implements linear error propagation theory in Python. Uncertainty calculations are performed analytically.
The goal of the library is to support the basic mechanisms for the expression and propagation of uncertainty, in a lightweight and efficient manner.

A distinguishing feature of the ``uTypes`` library is that comparison operators return [``ubool``]( values. This is not supported by the rest of the related uncertainty libraries, such as the [uncertainties package](, "[soerp](" or "[mcerp](".
A distinguishing feature of the ``uTypes`` library is that comparison operators return [``ubool``]( values. This is essential when comparing uncertain numerical values, since their comparison is also subject to uncertainty and this fact must be taken into account. Unfortunately, this feature is not supported by the rest of the related uncertainty libraries, such as the [uncertainties package](, "[soerp](" or "[mcerp](".

Another distinctive feature of ``uTypes`` library is that it naturally incorporates Subjective logic (type [``sbool``]( into the type system, as a natural extension of probabilistic logic (type [``ubool``]( This enables the seamless combination of different types of uncertainties under the same library, and in particular the representation of both second-order uncertainty and trust. The type embedding mechanisms used in ``uTypes`` allow operations to be closed in the algebra of types, and that the extended operations work as expected when values of original types are used.
Another distinctive feature of ``uTypes`` library is that it naturally incorporates Subjective logic (type [``sbool``]( into the type system, as a natural extension of probabilistic logic (type [``ubool``]( This enables the seamless combination of different types of uncertainties under the same library, and in particular the representation of both second-order uncertainty and trust. The type embedding mechanisms used in ``uTypes`` allow operations to be closed in the algebra of types, and where the extended operations work as expected when values of original types are given as input parameters.

Correlations between expressions are not automatically taken into account in ``uTypes``. This saves keeping track at all times of all correlations between quantities (variables and functions), improving the performance of the calculations. However, this implies that, ***by default, we assume that variables are independent***. Among other things, this means that users are expected to simplify numerical expressions as much as possible in order to avoid duplication of uncertain variables.

In any case, should there be a need to deal with dependent variables, [``uint``]( and
[``ufloat``]( mathematical operations allow specifying the correlation between them (see the [User Guide](

The derivatives of mathematical expressions are not automatically handled by the ``uTypes`` library. Again, this saves keeping track of the value of derivatives, something that also impacts performance. Other unsuported features include automatic handling of arrays of uncertain numbers, or higher-order analysis to error propagation.
The derivatives of mathematical expressions are not automatically handled by the ``uTypes`` library, either. Again, this saves keeping track of the value of derivatives, something that also impacts performance. Other unsuported features include automatic handling of arrays of uncertain numbers, or higher-order analysis to error propagation.

In case derivatives are needed, there are other libraries that provide these features.
In case derivatives or these further features are needed, other libraries that provide these features could be used instead.

- For example, the [uncertainties package]( provides full support for uncertainty progagation, variable correlation, derivatives, and integration with the [NumPy]( package for scientific computation in Python.
- For example, the [uncertainties package]( supports uncertainty progagation, variable correlation, derivatives, and integration with the [NumPy]( package for scientific computation in Python.

- [soerp]( is another uncertainty calculation package for Python that provides higher-order approximations of uncertainty. In particular, it supports a second-order analysis to error propagation. Advanced mathematical functions, similar to those in the standard [math]( module can also be evaluated directly using this package.
- [soerp]( is another uncertainty calculation package for Python that provides higher-order approximations of uncertainty. In particular, it supports a second-order analysis to error propagation. Mathematical functions, similar to those in the standard [math]( module, can also be evaluated directly using this package.

- [mcerp]( provides a stochastic calculator for Monte Carlo methods that uses
latin-hypercube sampling to perform non-order specific error propagation (or uncertainty analysis).

The problem is that these implementations are sometimes too slow, e.g., when used in iterative methods, and their comparison operations are not expressive enough -- that is, the return *crisp* boolean values. The ``uTypes`` package tries to address these limitations.
The problem is that these implementations are sometimes too slow, e.g., when used in iterative methods. Furthermore, their comparison operations are too basic and not expressive enough: they return *crisp* boolean values, disregarding the inherent uncertainty that occurs in the comparison between uncertain numerical values. This The ``uTypes`` package successfully addresses these limitations.

In summary, the uncertain datatypes provided by the ``uTypes`` library is well suited for applications that require the basic mechanisms for the propagation of uncertainty, efficient computation, and a closed algebra of datatypes. In particular, the comparison of two uncertain numeric values returns a probability, i.e., an [``ubool``]( value, and subjective logic is implemented as a natural extension of probabilistic logic, and in turn of Boolean logic. More precisely, we implement the following type hierarchy: ``bool`` <: ``ubool`` <: ``sbool``.

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