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@edwinb edwinb tagged this 01 Aug 09:24

Library Updates

+ Added `Text.PrettyPrint.WL` an implementation of the Wadler-Leijen
  Pretty-Print algorithm.  Useful for those wishing to pretty print
+ Added `Text.Lexer` and `Text.Parser` to `contrib`. These are small libraries
  for implementing total lexical analysers and parsers.
+ New instances:
    + Added `Catchable` for `ReaderT`, `WriterT`, and `RWST`.
    + Added `MonadTrans` for `RWST`.
+ Added utility functions to `Data.SortedMap` and `Data.SortedSet` (`contrib`),
  most notably `merge`, merging two maps by their `Semigroup` op (`<+>`)
+ `Prelude.WellFounded` now contains an interface `Sized a` that defines a size
  mapping from `a` to `Nat`. For example, there is an implementation for lists,
  where `size = length`.

  The function `sizeAccessible` then proves well-foundedness of the relation
  `Smaller x y = LT (size x) (size y)`, which  allows us to use strong
  induction conveniently with any type that implements `Sized`.

  In practice, this allows us to write functions that recurse not only on
  direct subterms of their arguments but on any value
  with a (strictly) smaller `size`.

  A good example of this idiom at work is `Data.List.Views.splitRec` from `base`.
+ Added utility lemma `decEqSelfIsYes : decEq x x = Yes Refl` to
  `Decidable.Equality`. This is primarily useful for proving properties of
  functions defined with the help of `decEq`.

Tool Updates

+ New JavaScript code generator that uses an higher level intermediate

+ Various optimizations of the new JavaScript code generator.

+ Names are now annotated with their representations over the IDE
  protocol, which allows IDEs to provide commands that work on special
  names that don't have syntax, such as case block names.
Assets 2