Welcome to the ATOCEM GitHub Organization! This organization is exclusive to members who are part of the ATOCEM community. This README file contains important information and guidelines for the members. Please make sure to adhere to these rules to maintain a collaborative and productive environment.
All repositories within the ATOCEM organization are set to "Private." This means that only members of the organization can access the repositories and their contents. It is essential to handle sensitive information with care and not share it outside the organization.
As members of the ATOCEM community, we uphold a strict code of conduct to ensure a positive and inclusive environment for all. All members must follow these guidelines when interacting within the organization:
Be Respectful: Treat all members with respect and professionalism. Avoid offensive or inappropriate language and behavior.
Be Collaborative: Embrace teamwork and open communication. Encourage discussions and provide constructive feedback.
Protect Confidentiality: Since our repositories are private, make sure not to share any code or information outside the organization without explicit permission.
Follow Best Practices: Write clean, well-documented code and follow industry best practices for software development.
Resolve Disputes Amicably: If conflicts arise, try to resolve them in a peaceful and respectful manner. If necessary, involve organization administrators for assistance.
We encourage all members to contribute actively to our repositories. To contribute, follow these steps:
Fork the repository to your personal GitHub account.
Create a new branch for your feature/bug fix.
Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
Push your changes to your branch on your GitHub fork.
Create a pull request (PR) from your branch to the main repository.
The PR will be reviewed, and feedback will be provided. Please be open to making changes if required.
Once the PR is approved, it will be merged into the main repository.
If you come across any issues or bugs in our repositories, please report them using the GitHub issue tracker. Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the problem and the expected behavior.
If you have any questions or need assistance related to the ATOCEM GitHub organization, you can reach out to the organization administrators or use the communication channels specified within the organization.
Thank you for being part of the ATOCEM community! Let's collaborate and build amazing things together. Happy coding!