Simple CLI tool to scrape some info not otherwise easily accessible on edus
Since the creation of this tool, the platform has improved a lot, making the script less and less useful. Because of this reason, and because of the frequency of these small changes to the website, I have decided that I won't update this repo anymore.
Install google chrome
Install python (version >= 3.12)
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3.12 -y
Clone the repository
git clone && cd edus-report
(optional) Create a virtual environment
python3.12 -m venv .venv && source ./.venv/bin/activate
Install pip dependencies
python3.12 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the program
./ --help
usage: ./ [-h] [-s STUDENT] [-a {aggregates,absences,grades,report}]
[-f {csv,txt}] [-o OUTPUT] [--shush]
CLI tool to exctract data from the platform.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --student STUDENT
a substring to be searched in the student name, in the
case of a parent account
-a, --action {aggregates,absences,grades,report}
lookup action to perform on the student
-f, --format {csv,txt}
the format of the result table
-o, --output OUTPUT file to write the result table in
--shush turn off all non mandatory logging to stdout
Environment variables:
USERNAME email or phone number used for auth
PASSWORD password to be used for auth
AUTH_COOKIE 'catalogsessionid' cookie on the website
In order to skip the authentication prompt, provide either the `AUTH_COOKIE` or the both of `USERNAME` and `PASSWORD`