Joshua Stevens Burton Younts Scott Johnson
Verilog code for a low power RFID chip that will communicate with I2C sensors.
We are using Modelsim to compile:
"add cadence2010"
"ncverilog filename.v"
How to run Quartus:
"add quartus111"
"quartus &" MUST Be running X-win32 for this step
Set up Modelsim in EOS:
"add modelsim10.0c"
"setenv MODELSIM modelsim.ini"
Compile Verilog and Run Simulation:
"vlog *.v"
"vsim -novopt testbench_name.v"
Inside vsim program: "log -r *"
"run -all"
**NOTE: to rerun in vsim: "vlog *.v"
"restart -f"
"run -all"