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Welcome to Aiwnios, a HolyC Compiler/Runtime designed for 64-bit ARM,RISCV and x86 machines include Apple M1 Macs, with plans for supporting other architectures in the future.

Please note that this project is currently a work in progress, so there will be regular updates and improvements.

Aiwnios in Action

Aiwnios Screenshot

Building Aiwnios

While I primarily develop this software using a Raspberry Pi 3, I recommend using a more powerful machine for a smoother experience (I'm planning on getting a BananaPi soon!).

To build Aiwnios, you will need the following dependencies:

  • gcc
  • libsdl2-dev
  • cmake

Once you have the dependencies installed, building Aiwnios is straightforward:

# Build Aiwnios
mkdir build;cd build;
cmake ..;
make -j$(nproc);
cd ..;

# Bootstrap the HCRT2.BIN to run it
./aiwnios -b;

# Run the HCRT2.BIN
./aiwnios; # Use -g or --grab-focus to grab the keyboard

If you want to create a package for your system, you can use the ESP Package Manager. Simply run epm aiwnios to make a cool package for your system.

Future Plans

In the future, I (nrootconauto) plan to add an AARCH64 assembler accessible through HolyC. However, please note that assembly on ARM has limitations in terms of address space, which may not be ideal for certain tasks. Nonetheless, it would be valuable for optimizing functions and other purposes.

Given that Aiwnios currently runs quite slowly on my current hardware, I may implement time-based (tS) animations instead of relying on Sleep(n).


The heart of Aiwnios lies primarily in arm_backend.c, where you'll find the compiler. I have replaced the TempleOS expression parsing code with calls to __HC_ICAdd_XXXXX, which are used in arm_backend.c. Additionally, there is a powerful AARCH64 assembler available in arm64_asm.c that you can utilize.

Please be aware that THIS COMPILER USES REVERSE POLISH NOTATION. Furthermore, statements are reversed, so the last statement resides at head->, while the first statement concludes at head->base.last. For more information, feel free to contact me via email at [email protected]. I apologize if my code is currently hard to read; I'll be happy to provide further explanations.


Aiwnios comes with a sockets API(currently tested on FreeBSD). This should be cross platform in the future

Here is a simple server for you to play with until Nroot documents the Sockets API,(currently only server stuff is here,not client stuff but it will be an easy fix)

U0 Main () {
  U8 buf[STR_LEN];
  I64 fd;
  I64 s=NetSocketNew;
  CNetAddr *addr;
  while(TRUE) {
    if(-1==NetPollForRead(1,&s)) {
    } else {


Aiwnios would not be possible without the valuable contributions of the following:

Devloper Manual (WIP)

This is intended for developes working on the C side,it is intended to be a companion to the source code,not a replacment for reading it. You may be wondering why im putting this in the README.MD,im putting this here so people actaully read it

Aiwnios Lexer

What is a Lexer

A Lexer turns the source code into tokens. Tokens are like the atoms of source code. They are things like variable names,numbers,strings and characters. For example,the following source code

if 123:
	"Hello World"

will be turned into these tokens:

Token Type Value
if TK_NAME "if"
123 TK_I64 123
: ':' None
"Hello World" TK_STR "Hello World"

Making a Lexer

To Lex some source code,we need a way of having text,so we will need to define some structures. Let's start with a block of text

// This represents a peice of text being lexed(it could be a file macro, or such)
typedef struct CLexFile {
  // If we include a file,we put the current file on hold
  // last will point to the "old" file we are in
  struct CLexFile *last;
  char *filename, *text;
  int64_t ln, col, pos;
} CLexFile;

In our Compiler,we will handle 1 token at a time. The token will be stored in cur_tok. The values will also be stored in the CLexer struct too.

typedef struct {
  CLexFile *file;
  // These are our lexer values,I put them in a union to save memory 
  int64_t str_len;
  union {
    int64_t integer;
    double flt;
    char string[STR_LEN];
  // Sometimes we are lexing and want to go back a charactor
  // LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR allows us to simulate this.
#define LEXF_ERROR 2
#define LEXF_NO_EXPAND 4 //Don't expand macros
  int64_t flags, cur_char;
  int64_t cur_tok;
} CLexer;

We want to have token types. In my sexy compiler I use ASCII charactors for small tokens,therefore all "big" tokens get stored above the ASCII range(0x100)

enum {
  TK_I64 = 0x100,
  //... See lex.c

It is useful to keep track of our file position while lexing for diagnostics. So whenever we advance a character,so increase CLexer.pos,and update CLexer.col and CLexer.ln.

Also,remember eariler when I said it is sometimes useful to "go back a character". I simulate this via the LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR flag. We also always store the last character in Clexer.cur_char . So let's rock

int64_t LexAdvChr(CLexer *lex) {
  //We want to simulate going back a charactor some times. Say we get a '.'
  // It could mean a '.',a '...' or maybe even a if one of these fails,
  // we can go back in time and check the next item 
  if (lex->flags & LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR) {
    lex->flags &= ~LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
    return lex->cur_char;
  CLexFile *file = lex->file, *last;
  int64_t ret;
  if (!lex->file)
    return 0;
  //We terminate the silly sauces with 0 as per ASCII nul character
  if (ret = lex->file->text[lex->file->pos]) {
    if (ret == '\n')
      lex->file->ln++, lex->file->col = 0;
    return lex->cur_char = ret;
  } else {
    //Free all the assets of the previous file 
    last = file->last;
    // last points to the last file we were in
    // /*Contexts if file.HC */
    // #include "a.HC" // lex->file->next is NULL
    // /*Contexts of a.HC*/
    // "I like toads"; // lex->file->next is "file.HC"'s CLexFile 
    lex->file = last;
    goto enter;

Starting our Lexer

Our lexer will take characters are turn them into tokens,so it makes sense that our skeleton will look like a switch statement

int64_t Lex(CLexer *lex) {
  int64_t chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex), chr2;
  int64_t has_base = 0, base = 10, integer = 0, decimal = 0, exponet = 0,
          zeros = 0, idx = 0, old_flags, in_else;
  FILE *f;
  char macro_name[STR_LEN];
  CHashDefineStr *define;
  CLexFile *new_file;
  switch (chr1) 
  case ' ':
  case '\t':
  case '\n':
    //We "re_enter" the function to skip whitespace
    goto re_enter;
  case '0' ... '9':
    // Lex a number code goes here
    // ...
    // ...
    return lex->cur_tok = TK_I64;
  // Account for more token types
  // ... 
  // ...
  case 0:
    return lex->cur_tok = 0;
  LexErr(lex, "Unexpected charactor '%c'.", chr1);
  return lex->cur_tok = ERR;

As you can we,we take a character and we do something with it. So let's begin with filling in our (integer) number parsing code.

Lexing a Integer

What is a digit??? You may be wondering why I'm asking this,but I will explain. But first let's look at the properties of a (base-10) digit:


The pattern is that each digit increases by a power of 10. So to get out digits value,we do:


Hence our pattern we see looks like this:

Digit Place Formula Final
4 0 4*pow(10,0) 4
3 1 3*pow(10,1) 3
2 2 2*pow(10,2) 2
1 3 1*pow(10,3) 1

Powing is an expensive operation,but we can simulate a Pow by multiplying the final value by 10 each time we get a digit and adding our digit. Let's try it again:

Value+=1; //Value==1
Value+=2; //Value==12
Value+=3; //Value=123
Value+=4; //Value=1234

Before we put this into a function,let's think what happens if instead of 10 digits,we have 16. This is called a hexadecimal. The extra 6 digits are ABCDEF. So we would represent 0x101 like this

Digit Place Formula Final
1 0 1*pow(16,0) 1
0 1 3*pow(16,1) 0
1 2 1*pow(16,2) 256
(This is useful as each hex digit is exactly 4 bits but more on this latter).
Let's Lex:
static int64_t LexInt(CLexer *lex, int64_t base) {
  int64_t chr1;
  int64_t ret = 0, digit;
  while (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex)) {
    switch (chr1) {
    case '0' ... '9':
      digit = chr1 - '0';
    case 'A' ... 'F':
      digit = chr1 - 'A' + 10;
    case 'a' ... 'f':
      digit = chr1 - 'a' + 10;
      // We consumed the current charactor,which may not be useful now,
      // but it may be useful latter.
      lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
      return ret;
    if (digit >= base)
      goto err;
    //This when repeated "add"s an empty digit,as each digit is a multipl of base
    ret *= base;
    ret += digit;
  return ret;

Before we can put this in our lexer body,we will need to check for binary or hexadecimal bases.

  case '0' ... '9':
    if (chr1 == '0') {
      chr2 = LexAdvChr(lex);
      switch (chr2) {
      case 'x':
      case 'X':
        chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex);
        base = 16;
        lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
      case 'b':
        chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex);
        base = 2;
        lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
      case '0' ... '9':
        lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
        lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
        //We found a charctor but we didnt use it so put it back
      } else 
	      // We checked the first digit and checked for 0.
	      // Use it again in LexInt as we found no use for it here.
	      lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
      integer = LexInt(lex, base);
      if (integer == ERR && (lex->flags & LEXF_ERROR))
        return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
	  // Check for 'e','E',or '.' and if we do find it,do some floating 
	  // point math.
	  // See "Lex a Floating point"
      return lex->cur_tok = TK_I64;

Lex a Floating-Point

Parsing floating point's are much like parsing integers,but they contain 2 extra peices of data

  • The decimal
  • The exponet We can parse the exponet and the decimal much the same way,but because we have an exponet,we can start with that when we find a 'E'/'e' after we find an integer
      // Do this after we Lex an integer
      switch (LexAdvChr(lex)) {
      case 'E':
      case 'e':
        decimal = 0;
        if (base != 10) {
          LexErr(lex, "Expected a base 10 number for floating points.");
          return lex->cur_tok = ERR;

In HolyC,Floating points can look like 123e10,123e+10,123e-10. I will use base to hold the multpiler

        base=1; //Holds the exponet multiplier
        if('+'==(chr1=LexAdvChr(lex))) {
        } else if('-'==chr1) {
        } else if(isdigit(chr1))
          goto eloop;
        if (integer == ERR && (lex->flags & LEXF_ERROR)) {
          LexErr(lex, "Expected an exponet.");
          return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
        goto fin_f64;

When he encounter a '.',we may have leading zeros so we should track of these as 123.004 is different than 123.4. Every time we get a zero we increment zeros to signify this

      case '.':
        switch (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex)) {
        case '0':
          goto decimal_chk;
        case '1' ... '9':
          decimal = LexInt(lex,10);
        if (lex->cur_char == 'e' || lex->cur_char == 'E') {
          goto exponet;
        goto fin_f64;

Time to get lit and put it all together . But before we can do this is would be helpful to know how to put turn the integer value decimal into a floating point decimal. What we want to do is move the number zeros digits begind the '.' of the number.

To do this we need the digit count of decimal to put it (fully) after the '.' . To do this we use a logarithm. A logirithm is the opposite of power,so it we get a logarithm of a number,it will return a number larger than the digit count(including 0 as a digit so we add 1 to the digit count).

Number Log10 floor(Log10(n))+1
123 2.08990511144 3
100 2 3
1234 3.0913151597 4
1 0 1

As you can see,flooring will chop off the decimal point and we can add 1 to get the number of digits!!!

What we need to do now is divide this by 1+digits+zero digits.(which involves using a pow). So our final code is:

        if (decimal) {
          lex->flt =
              integer + decimal * pow(10, -zeros - 1 - floor(log10(decimal)));
        } else
          lex->flt = integer;
        lex->flt *= pow(10, exponet);
        return lex->cur_tok = TK_F64;

Taking a Breather,Lexing words(and Macros).

Lexing words is pretty straightforward. We find a word character then we add it to CLexer.string.

  case '_':
  case '@':
  case 'a' ... 'z':
  case 'A' ... 'Z':
    lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
    for (;;) {
      switch (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex)) {
      case '_':
      case '@':
      case 'a' ... 'z':
      case 'A' ... 'Z':
      case '0' ... '9':
        if (idx + 1 >= STR_LEN) {
          LexErr(lex, "Name is too long.");
          return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
        lex->string[idx++] = chr1;
        lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
        lex->string[idx++] = 0;

However,if we find a macro name(will be explained later),we should expand it if LEXF_NO_EXPAND in CLexer.flags is not set. When we find a macro,we can add it's text into a CLexFile and lex it as if it just written in source code.

      if (!(lex->flags & LEXF_NO_EXPAND)) {
          define = HashFind(lex->string, Fs->hash_table, HTT_DEFINE_STR, 1);
          if (define) {
            new_file = A_MALLOC(sizeof(CLexFile), NULL);
            new_file->last = lex->file;
            new_file->filename = A_STRDUP(define->data, NULL);
            new_file->pos = new_file->col = new_file->ln = 0;
            lex->file = new_file;
            goto re_enter;
        //If we didnt find a macro it's a name
        return lex->cur_tok = TK_NAME;

We will need to lex a #define statement to use macros.

  case '#':
  if (TK_NAME == Lex(lex)) {
    // Other preprocessor directives ...
    if(!strcmp(lex->strng,"define")) {

Let's set the LEXF_NO_EXPAND flag to avoid expanding the macro name(which would prevent us from redefining macros)

        if (TK_NAME != Lex(lex)) {
          LexErr(lex, "Expected a name for #define.");
          return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
        //Reset the LEXF_NO_EXPAND bit

Let's allocate our macro

        strcpy(macro_name, lex->string);
        strcpy(lex->string, "");
        define = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CHashDefineStr), NULL);
        define->base.str = A_STRDUP(macro_name, NULL);
        define->base.type = HTT_DEFINE_STR;
        define->src_link = LexSrcLink(lex, NULL);

While we get the characters for the macro,we may come across comments or a \ character. We want to ignore the comments and the \ character will make the comment span another line .

        idx = 0;
        while (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex)) {
          switch (chr1) {
          // When we get a '/',it could mean a singleline comment,a multiline-comment,or even just a slash
          // So check for all orf these conditions
          case '/':
            if ('/' == (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex))) {
              //Is a single line macro
              lex->string[idx++] = 0; 
              define->data = A_STRDUP(lex->string, NULL);
              HashAdd(&define->base, Fs->hash_table);
              // Lex next item
              goto re_enter;
            } else if (chr1 == '*') { //Is a multiline comment
              goto add_macro;
            } else {
              //Is just a '/',but we didnt use the last character so re-use it
              lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
              lex->string[idx++] = '/';
          case '\\':
            //Skip rest of current line
          case '\n':
            goto add_macro;
            lex->string[idx++] = chr1;

Taking a Breather Again (Parsing basic operators)

Some tokens are make up of multiple characters. For example -=,--,-> all start with -. So we start with - then check the next character. If nothing useful is found we re-use the character via LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR(but return - as we found that before said character). In code it looks like this.

case '-':
    switch (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex)) {
    case '-':
      return lex->cur_tok = TK_DEC_DEC;
    case '>':
      return lex->cur_tok = TK_ARROW;
    case '=':
      return lex->cur_tok = TK_SUB_EQ;
      lex->flags |= LEXF_USE_LAST_CHAR;
      return lex->cur_tok = '-';

Parsing Strings/Characters

Charactors and strings are peices of text in TempleOS.Both of them share a simular syntax though,hence we will use a LexStringfunction for both of them.

// till is the terminator charactor 
// Returns 0 if good,else returns ERR
static int64_t LexString(CLexer *lex, int64_t till) {
  int64_t idx, chr1, hex;
  for (idx = 0;;) {
    switch (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex)) {
    case '\\':
      //Escpae sequences here in the acutual source code
      if (idx + 1 >= STR_LEN) {
        LexErr(lex, "String exceedes STR_LEN chars.");
        return ERR;
      lex->string[idx++] = chr1;
    case '\'':
    case '"':
      if (till == chr1)
        goto fin;
      goto ins;
  lex->string[idx++] = 0;
  return 0;

However In TempleOS there is a difference between characters and strings.

  • Charactors have type U64
  • Strings have type U8* Considering that in LexString we filled theCLexer.string with the silly sauce(the string),we will need to turn the string CLexer.string into a uint64_t(U64 in TempleOS) for a character. To do this we load an uint64_t from the data address of CLexer.string. We can do this in C via lex->integer = *(uint64_t *)lex->string;

So in total our string/character-lexing code would be.

  case '"':
    if (ERR == LexString(lex, '"'))
      return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
    return lex->cur_tok = TK_STR;
  case '\'':
    //Fill All 8 bytes with zeros
    memset(lex->string, 0, 8);
    if (ERR == LexString(lex, '\''))
      return ERR;
    if (strlen(lex->string) > 8) {
      LexErr(lex, "String constant too long!");
      return ERR;
    lex->integer = *(uint64_t *)lex->string;
    return lex->cur_tok = TK_CHR;

Processor Fun

In TempleOS,there are amazing preprocessor directives that allow you to choose what parts of the code you want to compile. For example,if you want to check if a macro is define you can do this

//Define a macro to tell the compiler we want SOME_FEATURE
#define SOME_FEAUTRE 1
U0 Feature() {
    "I like toads\n";

There is also an #else statement you can use too.

//#define SOME_FEAUTRE 1
U0 Feature() {
    "I like toads\n";
"No toads here!!!\n";

So let's check for a macro's existance in code

if (!strcmp(lex->string, "ifdef")) {
        old_flags = lex->flags;
        lex->flags |= LEXF_NO_EXPAND;
        if (TK_NAME != Lex(lex)) {
          LexErr(lex, "Expected a name for #ifdef.");
          return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
        lex->flags = old_flags; //Restore old flags
		//See next section

In AIWNIOS(the sexiest compiler that will ever exist once it is completed),I choose to ignore "stray" #endif statements because if an #ifdef passes,compilation will continue as usual. It isn't until an #ifdef fails do I skip code. #else will skip code too . So with that being said,let's look at the code

      if (!HashFind(lex->string, Fs->hash_table, HTT_DEFINE_STR, 1)) {
          in_else = 0;
          idx = 1; 
          // idx is the current nesting level,it increases every time
          // we encounter a #ifdef(and it's freinds)
          // #ifdef A // idx==1
          // #ifdef B // idx==2
          // #ifdef C // idx==2
          // #endif // idx==1
          // #endif // idx==0
          while ('#' != (chr1 = LexAdvChr(lex))) {
            if (chr1 == 0)
              return lex->cur_tok = 0;
            if (chr1 == ERR)
              return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
          if (TK_NAME != Lex(lex)) {
            LexErr(lex, "Stray '#' in program.");
            return lex->cur_tok = ERR;
          if (!in_else && !strcmp(lex->string, "else")) {
            goto re_enter;
          } else if (!strcmp(lex->string, "endif")) {
            if (!--idx)
              goto re_enter;
          } else if (__IsCondDirective(lex->string)) {
          goto if_fail_loop;
        } else {
        lex->flags = old_flags;
        goto re_enter;

Aiwnios Parser

At the heart of the Aiwnios Parser is the shunting yard algorithm for parsing math expressions and recursive descent for the if statements and such. But before I jump into that we need to get into how the Intermediate Code is stored. The Intermediate code is stored in a circular queue in a CCmpCtrl. Because this uses reverse polish notation,I insert the generated CRPNs in the ->code_ctrl->ir_code member.

Math Parsing

Math Parsing(shunting yard algorithm)

ParseExpr is the key for parsing math expressions. It uses a stack to store the intermediate codes in(in ic_stk and prec_stk). How it works is it generates Reverse Polish Notation. Values like numbers are inserted into the Queue first,then the operators come after.

For example this expression


becomes something like this:

1 2 + 3 *

There is a gaint switch statement in ParseExpr. What is does for most things is do something like this

      if (binop_before) {
        // Unary
        binop_before = 1; // Like a binop as it consumes the right item
        prec         = 0;
        type         = IC_NEG;
      } else {
        prec         = 6;
        binop_before = 1;
        type         = IC_SUB;

This will tell us the precedence of the operator and tell us the its precedence and type. There is a varaible called binop_before This will tell us that the operator consumes the next part of the expression. For example, the - can be a negative operator or a subtract operator depending on if the previous token "consumes" it or or not.

At the end of the switch statement is something like this

    if (type == IC_PAREN || type == IC_ARRAY_ACC) {
      prec_stk[stk_ptr] = prec;
      ic_stk[stk_ptr++] = type;
    } else {
      for (; stk_ptr;) {
        if (ic_stk[stk_ptr - 1] == IC_PAREN ||
            ic_stk[stk_ptr - 1] == IC_ARRAY_ACC)
          goto fail;
        if (prec_stk[stk_ptr - 1] < prec)
          goto pass;
        if (prec_stk[stk_ptr - 1] <= prec && !IsRightAssoc(ic_stk[stk_ptr - 1]))
          goto pass;
        goto fail;
        ic       = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), NULL);
        ic->type = ic_stk[stk_ptr - 1];
        QueIns(ic, ccmp->code_ctrl->ir_code);
        AssignRawTypeToNode(ccmp, ic);
        if (ic->type == IC_PRE_DEC || ic->type == IC_PRE_INC)
          SetIncAmt(ccmp, ic);
      prec_stk[stk_ptr] = prec;
      ic_stk[stk_ptr++] = type;

What this code does is it will push the operators that need to come first(lower precedence) to the stack. (Right associative operators come if they are equal to the current precedence too). Once this is done,we put the new operator on the stack. (Parenthesis and Array Accesses are handled separately)

When we find the end of the expression,we simply put all the operators into the end result.

Here is an illustation:


  while (stk_ptr) {
    ic       = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), NULL);
    ic->type = ic_stk[stk_ptr - 1];
    QueIns(ic, ccmp->code_ctrl->ir_code);
    AssignRawTypeToNode(ccmp, ic);
    if (ic->type == IC_PRE_DEC || ic->type == IC_PRE_INC)
      SetIncAmt(ccmp, ic);

Math Parsing 2

Time to get the nitty gritty. All things in HolyC have types assocaited with them,so I use a function to determine the type of a node called AssignRawTypeToNode. Because Reverse Polish Notation is fundamentally recursive,we can compute the type recursivley and store type to the CRPN.

In Aiwnios,there are 2 members related to types,the ->raw_type,->ic_dim and the ->ic_class. The raw_type is the type used by the code-generator,and the ->ic_class is the part used by HolyC.

If you look closely at ParseExpr,you will see SetIncAmt(Used with ++ and -- operators) which will use the class type to detirmine how many bytes to move the pointer by. Which brings us to our next part...

Pointer Arithmetic

Suprisingly,this isnt handled by parser.c,its handled by optpass.c in OptPassExpandPtrs. Let's look at the entry for IC_ADD

     if (a->ic_class->ptr_star_cnt || a->ic_dim) {
        new       = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), cctrl->hc);
        new->type = IC_MUL;
        QueIns(new, b->base.last);
        lit          = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), cctrl->hc);
        lit->type    = IC_I64;
        lit->integer = PtrWidthOfRPN(a);
        QueIns(lit, new);
        AssignRawTypeToNode(cctrl, new);
      } else if ((b->ic_class->ptr_star_cnt || b->ic_dim) &&
                 rpn->type != IC_ADD_EQ) {
        new       = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), cctrl->hc);
        new->type = IC_MUL;
        QueIns(new, a->base.last);
        lit          = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), cctrl->hc);
        lit->type    = IC_I64;
        lit->integer = PtrWidthOfRPN(b);
        QueIns(lit, new);
        AssignRawTypeToNode(cctrl, new);

We first check the ->ptr_star_cnt member of CHashClass. This is the number of pointer stars on the member. Once we find the the width of the pointer using PtrWidthOfRPN. We multiply the offset by the width of the pointer by inserting the multiply expression before the offset CRPN beacause this is REVERSE POLISH NOTATION .

For example if we have the expression

I64 *a,b;

It would be turned into a CRPN looking like this

+ a b

So our code would turn it into:

+ a * 8 b


Whats in a CHashClass

In Aiwnios,when we allocate a CHashClass,we actually allocate 6 CHashClasses as an array. The additional elements are used for pointer types of the class. Our PrsNewClass looks like this

CHashClass *PrsClassNew() {
  int64_t     idx2 = 0;
  CHashClass *cls  = A_CALLOC((STAR_CNT + 1) * sizeof(CHashClass), NULL);
  for (idx2 = 0; idx2 != STAR_CNT; idx2++) {
    cls[idx2].base.str     = NULL;
    cls[idx2].raw_type     = RT_PTR;
    cls[idx2].ptr_star_cnt = idx2;
    if (idx2)
      cls[idx2].sz = 8;
  return cls;

A CHashClass has a linked list of members to use in the ->members_lst member. This member has things like the member_class and dim member.

Functions are Classes Too

In TempleOS and Aiwnios,Functions have a base type of CHashClass. (In Aiwnios's C side ,its accessible from the ->base member of CHashFun). When a class is used as a function,the ->reg member stores the current register of the member,or REG_NONE is none is assigned. The flags are MLF_DFT_AVAILABLE is used with function arguments to tell if a argument has a default value(stored in ->dft_val or ->dft_val_flt). Static members have the flag MLF_DFT_AVAILABLE set.

Parsing Everything Else

If you look at parser.c it may look look overwhelming,but it's actually quite easy. The parser has a function for parsing things like goto statement,if statements and more. The easiest one of these is ParseScope and it's source is here

int64_t PrsScope(CCmpCtrl *ccmp) {
  CRPN   *ic, *old, *cur;
  int64_t old_cnt;
  if (ccmp->lex->cur_tok == '{') {
    old = ccmp->code_ctrl->ir_code->next;
    while (ccmp->lex->cur_tok != '}') {
      if (!PrsStmt(ccmp)) {
        ParseErr(ccmp, "Expected an expression.");
        return 0;
    return 1;
  return 0;

This function will call PrsStmt which calls things like PrrsGoto and such. It can even call PrsScope for nested scopes. This is called Recursive Descent as each time we find something,we recurse into it.

Storing misc data

In Aiwnios,sometimes we need miscellaneous data for things like strings,label or jump-tables. To do this I use CCodeMiscs. To use a CCodeMisc use CodeMiscNew(CCmpCtrtl*,int64_t type). Here is an example of making a string CCodeMisc

    case TK_STR:
      binop_before = 0;
      string       = PrsString(ccmp, &str_len);
      ic           = A_CALLOC(sizeof(CRPN), NULL);
      ic->type = IC_STR;
      for (misc = ccmp->code_ctrl->code_misc->next;
           ccmp->code_ctrl->code_misc != misc; misc = misc-> {
        if (misc->type == CMT_STRING)
          if (misc->str_len == ccmp->lex->str_len)
            if (0 == memcmp(misc->str, string, str_len)) {
              ic->code_misc = misc;
              goto found_str;
      misc          = CodeMiscNew(ccmp, CMT_STRING);
      misc->str_len = str_len;
      misc->str     = string;
      ic->code_misc = misc;
      QueIns(ic, ccmp->code_ctrl->ir_code);
      goto next;

If you read the example(for parsing a string),you will see that we create the CCodeMisc. The string length is stored in ->str_len and the string is stored in ->str.

Intermediate Code Reference

Intermediate Code Arguments Meaning
IC_GOTO () ->code_misc points to a label to go to
IC_GOTO_IF (condition) ->code_misc points to a label to go to
IC_TO_F64 (expr) Converts expression to a F64
IC_TO_I64 (expr) Converts an expression to a I64
IC_LABEL () ->code_misc points to a label to set the addres of
IC_STATIC () ->integer is an offset from the statics area for a pointer
IC_LOCAL () ->local_mem points to a member of the current function.
IC_GLOBAL () ->global_var points to a function or a global variable
IC_NOP () Pushing P, this doesn't do anything
IC_NEG (expr) This is the negative of an expression
IC_POS (expr) Pushing P,this doesn't do anything
IC_STR () This takes a ->code_misc of the string
IC_CHR () This is a charactor literal(->integeris the charactor)
IC_POW (exp,base) This is a power-of operator
IC_ADD (b,a) This adds numbers
IC_EQ (src,dst) This assigns a value
IC_SUB (b,a) This subtracts 2 values
IC_DIV (b,a) This divides 2 values
IC_MUL (b,a) This multiples 2 values
IC_DEREF (ptr) This dereferences a pointer
IC_AND (b,a) This does a bitwise AND
IC_ADDR_OF (var) This gets the address of an item
IC_XOR (b,a) This does a bitwise XOR
IC_MOD (b,a) This computes the remainder of a 2 values
IC_OR (b,a) This computes a bitwise OR
IC_LT (b,a) This computes a less-than operation
IC_GT (b,a) This computes a greater-than operation
IC_LNOT (a) This is a logical NOT operation
IC_BNOT (a) This is a binary NOT operation
IC_POST_INC (a) The increases the value by ->integer amount
IC_POST_DEC (a) The decreases the value by ->integer amount
IC_PRE_INC (a) The increases the value by ->integer amount
IC_PRE_DEC (a) The decreases the value by ->integer amount
IC_AND_AND (b,a) This does a logical AND operation
IC_OR_OR (b,a) This does a logical OR operation
IC_XOR_XOR (b,a) This does a logical XOR operation
IC_EQ_EQ (b,a) This checks if 2 values are equal
IC_NE (b,a) These computes if 2 values are not equal
IC_LE (b,a) This computes a less-than-or-equal operation
IC_GE (b,a) This computes a greater-than-or-equal operation
IC_LSH (b,a) This shifts b left by a bits
IC_RSH (b,a) This shifts b right by a bits
IC_ADD_EQ (b,a) This does an add-assign
IC_SUB_EQ (b,a) This does a subtract-assign
IC_MUL_EQ (b,a) This does a multiply-assign
IC_DIV_EQ (b,a) This does a divide-assign
IC_LSH_EQ (b,a) This does a left-shift-assign
IC_RSH_EQ (b,a) This does a right-shift-assign
IC_AND_EQ (b,a) This does a AND-assign
IC_OR_EQ (b,a) This does a OR-assign
IC_XOR_EQ (b,a) This does a XOR-assign
IC_MOD_EQ (b,a) This does a remainder-assign
IC_I64 () This is a integer literal(value stored in ->integer)
IC_F64 () This is a floating point literal(value stored in ->flt)
IC_RET (return_value) This will return from a function
IC_CALL (function,args...) This will call a function
IC_COMMA (b,a) This will do both b and a,returning a's value
IC_UNBOUNDED_SWITCH (expr) This does a unbounded switch(table is in ->code_misc)
IC_BOUNDED_SWITCH (expr) This does a normal switch(table is in ->code_misc)
IC_SUB_PROLOG () This starts a sub-routine
IC_SUB_CALL () This calls a sub-routine(->code_misc points to a label with a IC_SUB_PROLOG)
IC_SUB_END () This ends a sub-routine
IC_TYPECAST (expr) This does a bit-for-bit typecast based on the type of the IC_TYPECAST CRPN
IC_BASE_PTR () This is used by optpass for variables not stored in registers(offset from base pointer is in ->integer)
IC_IREG () This is an integer register(->integer is the register number)
IC_FREG () This is an floating point register(->integer is the register number)
__IC_VARGS (args) This is used by the HolyC side to make vargs(->length is arg count)
__IC_ARG (dst) This is used by the HolyC to load an argument into a value
__IC_SET_FRAME_SIZE () This is used by the HolyC side to set the frame size(->integer is the frame size)
IC_RELOC () This gets the address of a symbol's relocation(->code_misc has a type of CMT_RELOC_U64)
__IC_CALL (function,args...) This calls a function,used by HolyC side
__IC_STATICS_SIZE () This sets the size of the static data area,used by the HolyC side
__IC_STATIC_REF () This is a value in the static data area,used by the HolyC side
__IC_SET_STATIC_DATA () Sets the data in the static data area,(->code_misc has a type of CMT_STATIC_DATA)
IC_SHORT_ADDR () Like an IC_RELOC,but the address is short
IC_RAW_BYTES () This stores raw bytes into the code(->len and ->raw_types will tell you what the raw bytes are)
IC_GET_VARGS_PTR (dst) This gets the vargs poinnter and stored it in dst

Sexy Register Allocator

Live Variable Analysis

The register allocator works by first doing live variable analysis. This means it detirmines where the varaibles are being used or not being used:


How I do this is I is I first mark which registers we use or kill(kill the old value by assigning into it),see CRPN->use_regs and CRPN->kil_regs.

Then I construct a control flow graph with the CRPN->user_data and CRPN->user_data2 being the outgoing and incoming CRPNs. Each node inherits its successors' live registers.

Graph Coloring

I use a graph alogirthm called graph coloring. This means I create an "interference graph" then make sure each register in the graph is not a adjacent to another register that is alive at the same time(so no register conflicts).

This allows registers to be re-used for other varaibles to make the code sexier.

graph coloring

Sexy Number Renumbering

Using the variables in a graph may get very crowded. To do this,I seperate the variables into "sub-variables" in GenerateRenumbersForVar. I call these sub-variables "numbers" as I name the "var.1" or "var.2" etc.

To do this I first find the groups of nodes connected by a variable's being alive(InfectAdjacent). Once I find the groups I create psuedo-members.

Consider this graph,say we only have 3 registers to use,E cannot be stuffed in a register as we dont have enough registers for it.

Value numbering

We can make more room by dividing our register usage into numbered sections

Value numbering2


A HolyC Compiler/Runtime for 64bit ARM







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